Big Bang Fic: On Whom the Pale Moon Gleams (Chapter 7)

Aug 09, 2013 08:35

Title: On Whom the Pale Moon Gleams (Chapter 7)
Characters: Kara, Daniel, background Kara/Lee
Rating: PG-13
Words: ~15,500 (2,000 this chapter)
Summary: On the other side of the maelstrom, Kara wakes up to truths she never expected.

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six


Chapter Seven

Daniel never knew how lonely he was before. )

battlestar galactica, pg-13, kara/lee, kara, fanfiction, daniel, big bang, dreilide

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kdbleu August 9 2013, 14:25:51 UTC
I realized last night as I was going to bed how heartbreaking it was that Kara lost all of her memories of her father and Earth when she went back. A clever solution, more so than what the show came up with, but sad that she had to forget her renewed connection to Lee. (And the knowledge that Sam is pretty much her Grandfather. eww- kinda)

The scene between Lee and Daniel is so sad too. Daniel has lost Kara just as much and can't tell anyone.

Daniel as God is pretty awesome. Great little detail.


embolalia August 10 2013, 00:35:47 UTC
Thanks! And as for all the angst of it ... just wait, there's one more chapter :)


kdbleu August 10 2013, 00:37:40 UTC
I was wondering how many more chapters. I will miss it angst and all when it's over. :)


embolalia August 10 2013, 01:02:38 UTC
Just pre-scheduling it now! It always felt slightly unfinished, but I added a last paragraph and now I am done and happy with it! :D


kdbleu August 10 2013, 01:03:29 UTC
Yay! I will likely reread when it's all posted, for flow. Can't wait.


embolalia August 10 2013, 01:18:12 UTC
Go for it! Though there was a two year writing break between chapters five and six owing to discovering LJ and getting diverted, so...hopefully there's flow :)


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