
May 18, 2010 18:49

Player info,'x

I am Cherrie : dontcallmynamex
I play Sloth

Contact Methods: The easiest ways to get hold of me are just to PM me on my personal LJ, this RP account or AIM [cherriexleigh]

Timezone and Scheduling Issues: England; GMT, school on Monday to Friday at 8:30 to 3:15 (2:15 on Fridays). Exams and coursework have been cropping up recently and will continue to for a while, so…yeah. [Currently on holiday - Malaysia GMT+7]

Posting/Jumping/Thread-Dropping: I try my best not to drop threads, but if I have because I’ve just missed it or because notifs are being awkward, feel free to poke me and I’ll get right back to it!I’m happy with thread jumping too as long as it isn’t private.

Comfort Levels: Well, as a kid (yes I still categorise myself as a kid) there’ll be the mature that I find difficult to write about, but with reading I’m fine with most things and if I don’t like it I just won’t read.

Concrit/OOC issues: If you have any advice feel free to let me know. This is my second ever RP so I’m happy to accept suggestions and will try my best to take your opinions into account. I’d rather get things sorted quickly than to let it get complicated, so if anyone has OOC issues with me, please let me know and we can try work something out,’x

For now, I’m unlikely to give critic unless something is really bothering me, but that might change once I get more use to this system.

Essays and Memes: That’s really unpredictable with me. I generally don’t write essays, but sometimes I’ll just have completely random brainwaves (usually when I’m in the shower or trying to get to sleep, don’t ask =S) memes will just happen.

AU-ing: I’m always happy to play along with random scenarios, just PM me so we can sort things out.


Threadhopping with this character - yes/no/other?: As long as it’s not private, sure.
Hugging this character?: She’ll be surprised and is unlikely to hug back, but go ahead.
Giving this character a kiss?: Probably not a good idea, she’ll almost certainly push you away.
Badtouching: She will try to drown you.
Lovers: She’s likely to remain quite closed on this due to all the family issues she had before. If people from her world start showing up things might change.
Punching this character (provided they can fight back): Depending on her mood, she’ll either attack or just laugh and walk away shaking her head at you.
Is there anything you do not want mentioned near this character?: For now, no. Might change if certain people appear.
Easiest way to get on her good side: It varies with different people. She’s a fairly apathetic person though, so as long as you don’t annoy her she’ll remain fairly neutral towards you.
Easiest Way To Get On Her Bad Side: Being generally annoying and idiotic will irritate her. She doesn’t mind grumpiness though, she just finds that amusing.
Can I Hack Her Journal?: I’ll leave a note on certain entries.
Can She Hack My Journal?: No.
Fourth Wall Breakage: Sure, but take it too far and she won’t be impressed.
Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/etc?: I’m always up for torturing muses, so just message me if you have ideas.
Maim/Murder/Death: Preferably not death, but hurting her isn't a problem.
Blood: She…doesn’t have any…. =S

Threadhopping with this character - yes/no/other?: As long as it’s not private, sure.
Hugging this character?: She's comfortable with hugs from most people.
Giving this character a kiss?: She'll be surprised, but you can.
Badtouching: Probably not.
Lovers: As a spy, it will be difficult, but not impossible. If you have ideas, PM me.
Punching this character (provided they can fight back): As Trisha, she won't fight back, but if she ever runs out of reason to spy, she may attack you.
Is there anything you do not want mentioned near this character?: For now, no. Might change if certain people appear.
Easiest way to get on her good side: Trisha is a generally friendly person so all you really need to do is be friendly back.
Easiest Way To Get On Her Bad Side: Do something that puts her in a difficult possition with the undercover work.
Can I Hack Her Journal?: I’ll leave a note on certain entries.
Can She Hack My Journal?: No.
Fourth Wall Breakage: Sure, but take it too far and she won’t be impressed.
Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/etc?: I’m always up for torturing muses, so just message me if you have ideas.
Maim/Murder/Death: Preferably not death, but hurting her isn't a problem.
Blood: Can we avoid that for now please? I dont' want her secret to be out just yet.

ooc: permissions

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