May 22, 2008 02:31
1. What color(s) are there in your eyes?
yellow in the middle, then green, then light blue, with a dark blue rim. They are as confused as me!
2. Aside from any current relationships, what was your closest relationship ever?
With boys? Probably Conro, or Neil.
Friend is definitely Mar-Star
3. Do you have any health problems? If so what are they?
Endometriosis. Holes in ear drums. Slight asthma. Glasses. High-pitched hearing loss. Current broken toe. Anemia. Slight low blood sugar.
4. Have any of your romantic fantasies come true?
errr... No.
5. What is your body fat percentage?
I have no fucking clue
6. Is there anything you’ve been thinking about obsessively lately?
Austin. Boys. What defines a person as "good".
7. Have you ever posted a secret to a post secret site on livejournal or elsewhere?
not yet. Want to!
8. Would you rather be a taxi driver, a doctor, or an accountant?
God I love doing taxes. I'm a sick fuck.
9. Do you like karaoke?
when drunk, and with bitches. And if I get to do funny voices, like Axl, or Eddie Vedder
10. Have you ever hung upside down from the side of your bed till you felt spacey?
All the time. I spent a large amount of my childhood upside down.
11. If you were given $1000 upon the condition that you spend it on small, inexpensive items what would you buy?
Tiny boxes. Oh man.
12. What is one thing you would like people to say about you at your funeral?
That I was loved.
13. Do you think everyone is a little crazy?
Oh fuck yes. Never met a sane person yet.
14. Describe a favorite art/craft project you worked on as a child:
meh, I just liked to color.
15. How do you feel you have changed most markedly since you were five years old?
Tits. And I'm not happy like I was then.
16. What is the most important thing you learned in the last year?
Try to be nice, but don't fuck yourself to do it.
17. If you were shut inside of an isolation chamber, with no sound and only blackness, how might you react?
I'd go to sleep I think. I heart sleep.
18. Quick. Imagine something.
What did you imagine?
19. How might you change the ending of a favorite novel?
Wouldn't. I need good endings to love books.
20. Do you give good massages?
sometimes. I'm a good back scratcher.
21. Which country do you think might suit you best?
This is the only one I've ever been in, so I don't know.
22. Think of a close friend.
What color(s) does his/her personality fit best?
Sunshine yellow
23. How do you feel when you are in love?
24. How might you survive if you were homeless for half a year?
I believe I might rely of the kindness of strangers.