[First of all, your votes]
x x x x x [basics]
Name/Alias: Ky
Age: 20
Stamped as: Matthew
[about you]
How would you describe yourself? Pretty laid back, I pick and choose my battles, and I don't really get upset about a lot of things unless it's directly personal. A lot of people think that this means I don't care, but that's pretty much the furthest from the truth someone could get. A lot of times, I care a lot, but I know that getting upset won't change things. Or other times, I'm upset, but I keep it to myself because I know it would do more harm than good. I'm pretty hardworking, but it takes a bit to get me to actually start things. Once I start them, you can be pretty assured that not only will it be finished, it'll be finished well. I can be kind of... demanding of people. Generally, though, that's because if you tell me you'll do something, I hold you to your word. Being lied to or having people just put things off and put things off really bothers me a lot. I won't just come up with random expectations of people. I go off of what they've told me.
How do you think others see you? Probably kind of critical and, well, demanding, as above. A lot of people have told me that I'm really hard to relate with because of my values. I guess that's probably true, because my morals are relative and pragmatic. I've been told, as well, that I seem kind of amoral at first glance because of this. Also selfish. Which is probably true. Harsh and cold kind of get applied too, because I really have a "take no shit" attitude.
Strong points: I'm mad adaptable and very, very fast at learning things. You see all that stuff up there? I can mute it and slither into other personas if I feel that it will suit me. I still hang onto the core values, but I can be ridiculously ambiguous about anything else I need to. I can debate both sides, even if I hate with a passion one side. Most of this is focused on survival. That's what a lot of my personality formed around. Will it get me ahead? Go for it. Will it get me negative consequences? Either get sneaky or don't do it. I'm good at putting up fronts to take care of situations and holding back my feelings until later. I'm just pretty mission-oriented in general.
Weak points: I am just plain bad at taking critique. All of my friends probably know this. Outside, I'll look fine, but inside, I'll be all shaky and stuff. I can be so petty about the tiniest things just because someone tagged an "I promise" onto it that it's ridiculous. I expect that everyone can be "run by willpower" the way I am, when everyone doesn't really function that way. I have a "have to be right" complex.
Likes: In general, I like... anything that can be considered relaxing. Beaches, wide open spaces, cute baby animals, hot tea, hot chocolate, cuddling... Things that don't fit at all with the above novel. I enjoy drawing, writing (mostly sexual things ;D), and shopping for cute clothes. I'm a huge fan of action and spy movies, and am a firm believer that awesome special effects can make a movie.
Dislikes: I really don't like little kids. I can put up with them for my job because I'm getting paid and because I don't have to take them home with me. I'm not a fan of laziness, lying, passively whining about things without trying to change them, and a refusal to see things from someone else's point of view. I also really don't like horror movies or in general, wanton gore. I prefer when things are implied. It makes it scarier in my book, anyway. Cruelty of any sort really disturbs me on psychological and emotional levels and can make me pretty angry. So you'd never see me voting for torture of war criminals.
[your country]
Are you a religious person? Which kind of religion do you believe in? I believe in a monotheistic religion with a benevolent deity, but if I had to pick another, I'd probably pick an atheistic religion like Buddhism or Taoism that just focused on self-improvement, kindness, and trying not to disturb the universe.
Do you think that religion and political power should be close or completely separated? Very much completely separated. I believe that having religious morals dictating your laws is ridiculous and will only lead to, eventually, lots of wars and public unrest. One should use "natural" laws and things that the majority of the population can agree on. Having a theocracy necessitates that everyone be on the same religious page, and that never ends well. Hello Inquisition.
Which way of ruling would you support above all: republic, monarchy, democratic monarchy, etc? I kind of favor a republic, but mostly because I don't think that a single person can know what's best for an entire country. Also, I am a firm believer in the "absolute power corrupts absolutely." It takes very unique individuals to escape that, and there's just not enough people like that to ensure that the country is, at least mostly, governed justly and fairly.
Describe the kind of environment you’d like to live in, specifying which would be the perfect weather and any detail you’d like to share: I honestly like a temperate climate, but without harsh winters. Some snow is nice, but not a lot. Maybe a couple of times a year it would snow? Mild summers would be preferable, but I can stand heat a lot more than cold. I wouldn't like to have a lot of mountains -- in fact, I kind of like rolling hills and such. I like having a huge sky over my head. Trees are nice, but not everywhere. Small stands here and there? But water would really be nice. Rivers, or maybe if the country had a nice shoreline? Or both ;D
Would you rather live in a big city or in a small, quiet town in the countryside? Small town, but within reach of a center of commerce? I like smaller settlements, because it's more relaxed. In big cities, it's easy to feel alone, even when you're surrounded by people. I like small groups where everyone knows each other and sort of has to put aside their differences and work together.
What do you consider more important, diplomacy or having a powerful army? I think that they're equally important, honestly. Without an army, there is nothing to back you up when diplomacy fails. But if you suck at diplomacy, then you're just going to go in and wipe people out without even trying for peace. That sucks.
Do you consider more important being very developed culture-wise or having a powerful army? Again, equally important. Without an army, there is nothing to protect your culture. Without culture, there is nothing to protect.
What do you think is the best way for a country to grow? Does it need to grow...? I don't believe that conquests are really all that necessary. One should work on carefully managing resources and being self-sustaining.
Which moral values do you consider more important to teach to the next generations? Hard work, honesty, consideration for the rest of the world, and an ability to think for themselves. Combine all of those and, if everyone internalizes them, you'll have a good populace that isn't lazy, doesn't do things impulsively or foolishly, and that will never be controlled.
[let’s make a choice]
Mature or immature? Sometimes I think I'm putting on airs of maturity, because I'll get really uptight? Which is probably a sign on immaturity. So we'll go with that.
Pessimistic, realistic or optimistic? Realist, but I do lean towards optimism. I don't understand how pessimists can keep from, to be morbid for a moment, killing themselves. If you only see and expect the bad, what purpose is there?
Persistent or weak-willed? Very persistent, but with limits. I won't keep going after something that I know I have no chance of getting. But if there is a chance and it's very important to me, I will have it.
Listener or speaker? More of a speaker, which is something I'm trying to work on, honestly, but people so often say that they've never thought of things in a certain way before or that what I've said really clicks that it's difficult to curb.
Cynical or faithful? This one honestly confuses me a bit, but I'll say somewhat cynical? Unless it's something I've openly said that I'll do, I do tend to switch things around until I figure out what "works." Goes along with the pragmatism.
Leader or follower? Leader, if a bit reluctant. Either leader of very vocal follower/second-in-command type. I have a very take-charge personality, which tends to be because I see other people failing and feel that I won't.
Rational or emotional? Rational in public. Emotional in private. In public, I will act emotional if I think it will get me what I want, which is very calculated. But in private or with very close friends, I do tend to be very irrational.
Confident or modest? Confident. Of course I'm unconfident in what I am bad at, but if I'm good and I know it? hah.
Outgoing or shy? A bit in-between? It's a recent development, being outgoing and actually, gasp, starting conversations. But as always, if someone starts a conversation with me? I'll chat and chat.
Energetic or calm? Mostly calm. I can be energetic if I want or need to be.
Short-tempered or cold-headed? Pretty much the same answer as the rational/emotional one. I'm short in private, cool in public. And I am very careful to be that way. I get very, very upset with myself when I slip.
Cautious or impulsive? Cautious. I calculate all of the possible outcomes before I get into something. I'm very indecisive that way.
Tidy or messy? Tidy. Messes honestly bother me. Stacks of things are my favored means of dealing with messes, though, so to an outsider... it might look messy.
Outdoors or indoors? fffffff put me outdoors and I will enjoy it, but due to internet, I do stay indoors more. But when the internet is down or I'm away from it, I will gladly spend a lot of time outside if the weather's nice.
Forgiving or vindictive? Forgiving once someone apologizes. But I won't go out of my way to ruin their lives. I'll just remember it for future reference in my dealings with them.
[in the fire emblem realm]
Describe your life in this world: ngl, I would actually be pretty happy herding livestock from place to place. Preferably goats or sheep -- something small. I'd obviously have some combat skills, either with a sword (likely) or a bow (unlikely -- terrible eyesight) so that I could defend my flocks. Maybe in a caravan or something? That'd be nice. I know, I know, everyone's all "B-BUT BEING A KNIGHT???" Eh, it'd be interesting, but I'd rather not be devoting my life to something where I killed people all the time. I would, to protect my family or something, but it wouldn't be my preferred lot in life.
Do you prefer to work alone or in a group? I'd say a few friends? We could all look out for each other and take turns with watches and all. Plus, it'd be nice to have some human companionship aside from just chatting it up with animals.
What do you think of mercenaries? Well, I think they're okay? I don't like the idea of just going with the highest bidder all "Welp, sorry man, someone offered me a higher price! Now I'm fighting against you!" But if it's the only way to keep the country afloat in tough times, then I'd say go with it. Just try other things first.
Which kind of classes do you think make the best soldiers? Soldiers should be... well, honestly, I don't think that there should be a large standing army that does nothing but train all day unless the country is constantly at war, which should be avoided anyway. Trained, yes, but they should be dual-purpose and give back to their countries in times of peace. So mounted archers/sword users, I would suppose -- they could also work because they'd be able to ride and they'd have horses and have practical combat skills. I mean, mages and lance users are cool and all, but how do you use that outside of the battlefield? Yeah. Plus, just going by unit stats, they tend to have decent defense, attack, and speed, and the movement is good. Just yeah, watch out for horseslayers. I mean, personal preference, I like swordmasters, but they have some ridiculous glaring weaknesses, so I can't really say that as the best class.
You’re fighting the bad guys, but they’re super powerful and it looks like you’re going to lose. Do you run, or do you prefer to fight till the very end? As in, me and maybe a few friends on our lonesome? Well, probably run to get help. After all, if we get killed... what good will that do anyone? But if we're defending something already and are in no position to get help, then we fight until the end, make the best use of our resources, and try to deal as much damage as possible. And throw infected sheep at them. \o/
Is there anything else you’d like to add Ahh... I'm not all that familiar with FE 1-5, so if we could avoid those please? Also shakey on 8, but that's fine.