First things first: Your 5 votes...
x :: The General Concerns
Name: Nocturne
Age: 20, for three more days.
Stamped as: Sothe // Parents (personality): Ike & Ranulf // Affinity: Ice // Rival: Vaida
Do you mind being stamped for characters you've been stamped already? Preferably, no; that would be pretty awkward.
Are you re-applying? If so, tell us the character you were matched with: Nope, first time.
I'm looking for a: (asking for both a boyfriend and a girlfriend is not allowed)
[x] boyfriend
[ ] girlfriend
[ ] everything goes/doesn’t matter
Fire Emblem preference: 6-10 preferably.
:: The Lover
What do you look for in a significant other? Humor is definitely the biggest thing. I take things too seriously, and I need someone to lighten the mood. Honesty and loyalty are both very important to me, too. I want someone who I can hold a conversation with, without it feeling forced, someone I feel like I can tell anything to, knowing they won't judge me for how I feel about something.I'd want them to have enough self-confidence to not need me for every little thing, but not so much that they're bad-mouthing other people to show they're better or something. They'd need to have a sense of adventure, and a little bit of a romantic side wouldn't hurt, either.
Three major turn-ons? Humor. Smiles. Eyes, I'm very attracted to a person's eyes.
Three major turn-offs? Huge muscles. Serious personality. A lot of facial hair; a little is fine, though.
What do you consider most important in a relationship? Trust, first and foremost. If you don't trust your partner, it'll never work out. Love is a close second, though.
What do you think should never happen in a relationship/a lover should never do? Cheating should never, ever happen in a relationship. It shows that there really isn't much foundation for the relationship if both partners can't be faithful.
:: The Choices
Brave or coward? Brave; cowardice gets on my nerves.
Pessimistic or optimistic? Optimistic, preferably. I'm pessimistic enough for about ten people.
Impulsive or cautious? Impulsive. Let me handle the questioning-things-to-death part. And besides, an adventure isn't fun if you're questioning every little thing all the time.
Looks or brains? Somehwere in the middle? I don't want a genius that I couldn't stand looking at, but I don't want a model that I can't have an intelligent conversation with, either.
Money or personality? Personality! Money is one of the least important things in the world to me. I'd rather be poor and be with someone I actually like being around than be the richest person in the world and stuck with someone I can't stand.
Love or sex? Love is more important to me, but I wouldn't say no to sex, either. =D
Marriage or no? Eventually, but nothing too soon. I want to live life before I really settle down like that.
:: The Real You
Describe your personality: On a normal day, I'm laid-back and calm, though stubborn and opinionated enough to argue with a wall if I thought it would get me anywhere. I like to tease and joke around people and just generally have fun. But if you get me on an off day, I can be the snarkiest, bitchiest person you've ever met. I'll snap at any little thing, and I'll say exactly what's on my mind the second it pops up without bothering to think about the consequences of voicing my opinions. I'm an honest person who expects others to be honest with me (but I'm not naive enough to think they always are). People come to me for advice expecting me to tell them my honest opinion, not what they want to hear the most. I seem to come off as unapproachable and distant to people who don't know me, but I really love being around people.
What annoys you/makes you angry? Lots of things, I'm pretty hot-tempered. Mostly, irrational bias, stupid people, homophobia, lying and cheating.
What is your biggest personality flaw? Either the fact that I'm too stubborn to admit I'm wrong or that I'm a bit too much of a perfectionist.
What really good trait could you bring to a relationship? Loyalty. I won't abandon you unless you give me a really good reason to. (Which basically means I find out you've been lying to me all along about something that I really can't forgive you for; murder, cheating, etc.)
:: The Fire Emblem Scenario
How would the two of you meet? Probably in town somewhere. We'd literally run into each other or something cheesy like that, probably because one or both of us was too excited/focused to pay too much attention where we were going or what was in front of us. And we'd start a conversation from there.
Describe your ideal date: Out somewhere laughing and having fun together. If there's an event of some sort going on in town, we could go to that, or we could just be alone together having fun.
Your lover is the hero/heroine and has an unbelievable trial ahead of him/her and he/she is having doubts about himself/herself. What do you do? Remind them of all the things they've faced in the past and how they came through that, and that I'll always be there to support them.
It's the final boss! And he/she has to defeat them! Where are you? Most likely, I'm right there next to them fighting by their side, but it's possibly I'm supporting them from behind or healing.
Reverse situation: You are the hero/heroine and you have an unbelievable trial ahead of you and you are starting to doubt yourself. What does your lover do? Gives me a pep talk and gets me pumped up and reminds me that they're there with me. And then makes a joke of the whole thing so I don't go into the thing worrying about every little thing that could possibly go wrong.
Reverse situation: It's the final boss! And you have to defeat them! Where is your lover? Right next to me, fighting by my side.