[Mod post] On the screening comments again, and breaking ties

Sep 09, 2009 20:42

After seeing what you all think about it, I've decided to not allow the screening comments option, because the difference between yeses and noes it's too big. If it had been 8 noes against 6 yeses or 9 against 5, I'd have allowed it, but 11 against 3 is a big gap. So everything will remain the same, except in one case. If someone, after applying twice, is not satisfied and I consider that the influence of other votes has had a lot to do, I'll allow that person to screen the comments if they asked me to. I think this is the fairest option for everyone, but if you have any objection or suggestion, please just comment and say so.
Thank you for voting on the poll and for your opinions and suggestions.

Apart from it, there are some ties that must be broken:

gin_gen has a tie in her class theme application between Cleric/Priest and Trobadour.
micailah has a tie in her class theme application too, this time between mage and archer.

There are other applications that need more votes, please vote for them here.
Thank you!


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