:: The General Concerns
Name: Sandra
Age: 19
I am: Eirika/Lyndis
I'm looking for a: Male, please
Fire Emblem preference: exclusively FE9 and FE10, please.
:: The Lover
What do you look for in a significant other? First, he needs to be someone I can fully trust and rely on. I don't consider myself very dependent, but there are times when having someone you know you can rely on is more than enough. Someone with smarts. It doesn't need to be the next Einstein at all but I do appreciate someone I can have decent and serious discussions/debates with, occasionally. Someone who accepts my flaws aswell as he accepts my virtues. Someone mature, but without being overly serious.
Three major turn-ons? Humour. Someone who uses humour without making himself a fool. Someone who knows when the it is the time for a joke. Intelligence, as I mentioned above. Someone trusting and caring, without being excessively obsessed about it. Someone somewhat independent: I like, as I said, someone caring but I highly disapprove of clinglyness, so I don't like nor need someone who runs half way across town just because our phone call got disconnected... As far as physical attributes count: I love big hands.
Three major turn-offs? Party-boy, don't get me wrong, I don't mind if he's sociable but you know the kind I'm speaking of.. Clingy, as I said above, is a major no-no for me. Someone rude, he can have his bad-humour moments but be generally rude? I don't appreciate it. And ahm too serious. I admire and like someone mature and serious to some point, but not overly so. He should be able to kid around. Also, being arrogant.
:: The Choices
Brave or coward? Brave. But not foolish-brave. I like a guy who isn't afraid to face things but he doesn't need to run towards a gigantic shadow with a weapon at hand alone. I don't want to lose 10 years of my life everytime he does something, I don't want someone I need to worry constantly if he's still breathing
Pessimistic or optimisitc? Optimistic-realistic. I wouldn't mind if he was pessimistic as long as not depressively so but I prefer someone who tries to see the bright side of things but recognize when reality does not have a bright side.
Impulsive or cautious? Impulsive but not crazy-impulsive. Same answer to brave/coward applies here. But I am cautious for both of us, so I'm kind of in the need of an opposite here
Looks or brains? Brains. I mean, it wouldn't hurt if he's easy on the eyes but it's not really the main thing I'm looking for. I prefer someone I can have an intelligent discussion with.
Money or personality? Personality, of course
Love or sex?Ahah, well love is more important, I think, but I can't deny the other option either.
Marriage or no? Marriage. I mean, I'd love to have a wedding and be married but if he is completly against it for some reason, it's fine, I won't make him do something he doesn't want
:: The Real You
Describe your personality: I get along with everyone, as long as they respect boundaries, because I don't like when people take stuff or talk to you like they know you for ages and you barely speak at all. I'm usually calm, there are very few things that piss me off (lack of respect, lack of pontuality and rudeness). I usually manage crisis well, I don't panic. I consider myself a dreamer but as I say, I keep one foot on the clouds and one on the ground, because I'm pretty darn realistic aswell. Family and friends are my life, and I think that's what matters the most, so I usually don't freak out about school or anything (of course I worry about it nevertheless). My greatest fear is being alone/left behind. The only certain thing about my future is that I want to be a mother, no matter what. I'm a little independent, in a way I can do things by myself, but I'm also extraordinarily dependent on my friends and family. I have tendency for disasters, as in, I trip veeery often, I burn my hand with toasts (toasts, not toasters!), slam my fingers often, etc. I can be rather cold/harsh if people are extremly annoying to me. I'm not usually cold/harsh unless I have a reason. I am bossy and stubborn and overly cautious (due my "accidents", I say I need to be more xD). Overall I'm pretty creative, friendly, helpful and sarcastic. And quite shy. I only speak when spoken to (to strangers, that is). I think I might be talking alot right about now...
What annoys you/makes you angry? I don't get annoyed/mad easily but some things to get on my nerves. People being late or canceling plans suddenly seriously make me twitch. Also people who don't have any respect or sense of boundaries. I also get frustrated when I know I could've done things better (tests, essays, etc) than I did.
What is your biggest personality flaw?Hm maybe the fact I tend to overthink things? Maybe I'd need someone a little more impulsive than me. I can be slightly moody sometimes as well, most likely five minutes later I'd be apologizing though.
What really good trait could you bring to a relationship? Love? Since I'm a very caring person Ahah. I don't know, my imagination I presume. I'd come up with really great stuff to do.
:: The Fire Emblem Scenario
How would the two of you meet? That's complicated.. considering FE world, I think I'd be in some kind of difficult situation. I don't consider myself a damsel in distress but I am just no good with one-on-one confrontations so it's unlikely I was doing any good if I was like surrounded by enemies. He'd somehow run into the situation and say something "need a hand?" before jumping to help me, but not waiting for a reply. OR I'd actually be running from such situation and ending up bumping into him and ask if he could help me.
Describe your ideal date: Something really simple. Something like everyone else was already asleep but us, we were both sitting next to the fire doing not much and either he or I would end up asking if the other wanted to go stretch the legs, and we'd eventually find a river and just sit on the riverside. I'd probably eventually jump into the water (after I take my shoes off D: ) and end up splashing him, just to play a little and he'd end up joining me. Basically we'd end up soaked X'D
Your lover is the hero/heroine and has an unbelievable trial ahead of him/her and he/she is having doubts about himself/herself. What do you do? I'd sit next to him and squeeze his arm/hand and say I trust him and that I know he will succeed. Basically I'd try to cheer him up.
It's the final boss! And he/she has to defeat them! Where are you? With him, trying my best to support him.
Reverse situation: You are the hero/heroine and you have an unbelievable trial ahead of you and you are starting to doubt yourself. What does your lover do? He'd say I'm overly insecure sometimes but not in a mean-kind of way. He'd equally try to cheer me up and saying he will be there anyway, if I need help, he'll help me.
Reverse situation: It's the final boss! And you have to defeat them! Where is your lover? Right beside me, supporting me.
:: The Votes