"There's only one place for me to be, Ike...and it's by your side."

May 31, 2009 22:04

First of all, your votes...
x x x

T-these links are the same as my other ap, but. There wasn’t anymore than three to vote on! Also it was too late to poke the mod about this. I’m sorry? I completely forgot to post this until now. I PROMISE I WILL DO MORE THAN WHEN THERE IS ACTUALLY MORE TO VOTE ON. I wanted to p-play too. *nervoussadshuffle*

[ y o u ]
Name: L
Age: twentysomething
Stamped as: pending

[ g e n e r a l ]
What do you look for in a friend? I dunno. Are we talking FRIEND FRIEND or like, somebody I just discuss stuff with? Actual BFFFOREVEROMG... I’d want someone trustworthy. Someone I know who isn’t going to stab me in the back. Preferably someone kind and who I can talk to easily. Somebody who I can actually speak to and not lie about being fine when I’m not. Somebody who I really connect with.
What would you do if a friend betrayed you? ...feel betrayed? Most likely I’d stop trusting them but keep the relationship intact, even though it’d be hollowed out and I’d probably despise them by then... Kind of a face value sort of thing.

Mention one friend you'll never forget, and why? Jimi, third person I met on tha intrawebs, like a best friend, brother FOE AND RIVAL!!1 combined. Still epic buds to this day.
Mention one comment from a friend you'll never forget, and why?: “You write more than anyone else I know” because any other comment I’d mention would be far too lewd for this community.

[ t h i s / t h a t ]
Leader or Follower?: If I lead we’re all going to be lost. My sense of direction is horrible.
Listening or Speaking? Both, but I’m known for being a good listener/comforter.
Going out or Staying indoors? I enjoy walking, but mostly I’m not a sporty person at all and love reading and other indoorsy things.
Partying all night or quiet evening alone/with someone? ...quiet, please. Or at least just a small group of friends.

[ a s . a . f r i e n d ]
Do you prefer your friends to be like you or different?: I’ve had good results with both? As long as there’s something in common.
Would you say yes to a favor before knowing what it is? Yes. Unless it was someone like, who I knew would ask something weird, then I’d joke about saying no and really mean yes. SIMPLE ANSWER: YES, THOUGH I MIGHT JOKE ABOUT IT.
When asked for advice, do you say what they want to hear or what you know they should hear? A little of both, actually. If they’re feeling down I’ll try and cheer them up, but I try and give actual advise with my hugs too. Sweet words are useless if you won’t actually do anything to help. It’s like...,pity. It’s a psuedo-virtue.
Your friend tells you she/he is about to do something that you think it's stupid or simply suicidal. What do you do? ...it depends on the one, actually. I have one friend who I’d point and laugh, and then go “No really, dude, don’t do it.” the rest I’d be like, NO DON’T DO IT D: STEP AWAY FROM THE BRIDGE.
Are secrets kept safe with you? Yes.

[ y o u . i n . f i r e . e m b l e m ]
Imagine you were a happy little person living your own sweet life when your friend suddenly asks you to help him/her on something. That something involves a looong journey that'll take months and no promises you'll get home alive. What do you do? PACK UP MY HEALING STAFF AND POSSIBLY COMPLAIN LIKE ERK WHEN PAIRED WITH SERRA. “SEE, I TOLD YOU TO TAKE THE OTHER ROUTE BUT DID YOU BELIEVE ME? ‘NOO IT’S A SHORTCUTTT.’ IT’S A GOOD THING I BROUGHT FOOD ALONG” along half of it may be joking.
In battle, would you rather stay a little behind, supporting your friend (either with healing/long-range attacks) or right by his/her side, fighting? Staff chick here, yo.

Name up to two Fire Emblem characters you do NOT see yourself getting along with: Soren, because I am not blue haired and named Ike. UH I don’t like stoic, humorless people. They creep me out and make me nervous., even if they are interesting to write.

best friend: ranulf

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