Class Change? Does it mean I get a new cool outfit?! <3

Dec 06, 2008 01:49

First of all, your votes...
1. x
2. x
3. x

Name: Sandra
Age: 19
Stamped as: Eirika/Lyndis ~ regular; Oscar ~ match

[All About You]
Describe your personality: I get along with everyone, as long as they respect boundaries, because I don't like when people take stuff or talk to you like they know you for ages and you barely speak at all. I'm usually calm, there are very few things that piss me off (lack of respect, lack of pontuality and rudeness). I usually manage crisis well, I don't panic. I consider myself a dreamer but as I say, I keep one foot on the clouds and one on the ground, because I'm pretty darn realistic aswell. Family and friends are my life, and I think that's what matters the most, so I usually don't freak out about school or anything (of course I worry about it nevertheless). My greatest fear is being alone/left behind. The only certain thing about my future is that I want to be a mother, no matter what. I'm a little independent, in a way I can do things by myself, but I'm also extraordinarily dependent on my friends and family. I have tendency for disasters, as in, I trip veeery often, I burn my hand with toasts (toasts, not toasters!), slam my fingers often, etc. I can be rather cold/harsh if people are extremly annoying to me. I'm not usually cold/harsh unless I have a reason. I am bossy and stubborn and overly cautious (due my "accidents", I say I need to be more xD). Overall I'm pretty creative, friendly, helpful and sarcastic. And quite shy. I only speak when spoken to (to strangers, that is). I think I might be talking alot right about now... sorry!
What do you value the most? Loyalty, truthfulness, respect, trust and honesty. Those are the things I consider to be the most important about a person, it's what I look for in a friend aswell as what I try to be with all my strenght.
Where could you be found on the battlefield?: Most likely "far" from the frontlines. Either attacking with long-range weapons or simply healing anyone who might need a hand.
Weapon of Choice?: Staff/Bow&Arrows/Magic. Basically anything long-ranged. Why? Well, you see, I'd be killed in less than a second if I was on one-on-one with the enemy. I am just NOT good with one-on-one confrontations like that since I have no real physical strenght o_o It's ridiculous!
Imagine you had a theme-song that played everytime you appeared. Which song would it be?: "A Bit of Happiness" by Yuki Kajiura click to listen

[It's All About The Choices]
Leader or Follower?: Considering possible war affairs? Follower. Or second-in-command, tops. I'm generally stubborn and good at leading but I don't think I'd like to lead an army or so, having so many lives depending on me. No, not at all.
Alone or in Group?: I like spending time with myself, yes but generally speaking I prefer to be in a group.
Close or Long-range?: Long-ranged, as I explained above.
Carefully plan your strategy before-hand or improvise as you go along?: Carefully plan, definitely! I like to know where I'm headed, how it's supposed to go and have the closest idea to what's going to happen. I don't appreciate surprises, specially scary-battle-surprises xD
Run or fight?: Fight. Despite the fact that I dislike one-on-one combats, I still don't think of myself as a coward so I wouldn't run. If things can be solved with conversation, that's another story: I'd prefer diplomacy to fighting.

[All About Your World]
Imagine you could choose 2 Fire Emblem characters to fight by your side. Who would you pick and why?: Believe it or not, this kept me from filling the application earlier. It's just so.. URGH! Okay. So. After giving it alot of thought I think I'm going to say Oscar and Nephenee. Oscar can cook can move around as much as he wants and he is a great fighter. Nephenee can take a good deal of damage but she has high speed and does damage aswell. Plus, I'm also considering how I'd get along with them, because it's a vital part for a group to succeed and I think I'd get along with both (heck, I was matched with one..) because they are relatively social without being too extroverted, like me, so I think we'd respect each other's personal spaces.
How would you convince them to help you?: I think either one would accept to help me if I just asked politely, don't you think? They're both sweeties..
Your group was surrounded by enemies and there is no way to escape. On top of that, one of them is injured! What do you do?: Let's pretend Nephenee is the injured one, because I doubt anyone would so much as scratch Oscar (at least, in my game xD). I'd go hand a vulnerary to her, if she didn't have one while Oscar killed a few more enemies. Then he'd rush over and we'd help Nephenee up to his horse and then me, and make a run for it. Maybe killing one or two if they get in the way.
If you were told that you needed to murder someone in order to help your friends would you do it?: I.. highly doubt it. I mean, I love-love my friends but I even doubt they'd allow me to do such a thing. I'd try to find another way around it.
As you're walking through a smalltown, you find a poor family with two children who are starving! They ask you for some money, but you need it to buy weapons and supplies for your group! What do you do?: Probably take the smallest amount for myself&group, just to buy whatever is truly essential until we gather more money or arrive the next town and give all the rest to the family.
Describe the kind of clothings you would wear: Nothing too flowy and long, or I might spend half of my time with the face on the dirt. Something that allows me to move freely and feel comfortable aswell. Something like a skirt a little above the knee, some sort of brown leather vest with a "t-shirt" under it. I'd wear black tights because I do not like to wear skirts without them, brown leather boots. A belt around my waist (where else?..) and probably some sort of leather gloves/arm warmers because my hands freeze all the time. Since I'd be travelling alot, probably some sort of cloak/cape aswell (like Ilyana's), to protect myself from the cold and stuff.

class: troubadour

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