a holiday meme from lurkerkate

Dec 20, 2004 12:36

For anyone who's the brand of Protestant Christian that follows the four weeks of Advent and their respective representations (Peace, Hope, Love, and Joy), you'll know that this week in Advent represents Joy. For those who aren't that brand, or that faith, just trust me on it that in my church, this week is all about Joy. And the pastor at the church I attend preached a good sermon about accepting joy and embracing joy and generally thinking positive. As part of that, he pointed out how often we end up in a good mood because someone we know and care about had something good happen to them, and they let us know about it. So I came up with the following meme idea:

Post at least three positive things that have happened to you in the past year. I don't care what it is: making a friend, cooking a new dish, finishing a project, getting a job, dumping a boy/girlfriend who was no good for you and moving on in your life. Just name three or more joys from the past year. Your choice whether you reply here or in your own journal.

So, here goes:
1.) NEW JOB -- Finally moving on from Boston/Wellesley and actually working at a job that challenges me everyday (sometimes more than I'd like to be challenged) and gives me a great feeling of satisfaction and accomplishment when things go well. I still don't know if this is the right thing for me forever, but it is definitely the right thing for me for now. It's awesome to wake up in the morning and not have to spend 10 minutes convincing myself to get out of bed and go to a job I hate.

2.) MOVING -- This is kind of the first time I've really felt like I made a big move "on my own." Sure, I didn't move home after college, but my two apartments in Boston were both inhabited by Wellesley people, and now, for the first time, I actually did the craigs-list/apartment-hunting/20-something process and actually moved myself (well, hired someone to move me) to a new city where I really did get to start over.

3.) NEW FRIENDS -- Being in a new city, a new training program, a new job, I've had to really hone my "friend-making" skills. It's been ages since I've had to play the "getting to know you" game, and I'm happy to say that I really think I've made some great new friends in the process. I really like my roommates, I've made some great friends in the Teaching Fellows, and, at work, I feel really lucky to work alongside colleagues who value my opinion and friendship. I've made new "guy friends" for the first time since high school, and I realize just how much I've missed having them. I love that I've made friends in the last six months, yet for some of them it already feels like we've been friends forever.

and, one other one, just because I'm feeling sentimental:
4.) MY MOM -- Anyone who knew me in high school or college would know that my mom and I have not always had the smoothest of relationships. Things got better after I graduated college, and I sort of felt like we were approaching the "friend zone." Now, I really feel like we've reached it. And that makes me happy.
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