Do we need a new kink meme to revive fandom writing shenanigans? There are both pros and cons to it, so... Let's hear it.
I was thinking maybe it would be easier to create a different meme for each game universe, or at least completely separate Tellius and Elibe from the others, that way it would be easier to sift through the prompts.
That, and it would also be kind of cool to have a gen-meme for those of us who love the prompts and the premise, but don't really have a taste for, err, kinks.
A meme for each game 'verse would be pretty cool. Or each game system. I feel like the only one on the meme who's actually WRITTEN Seisen stuff other than the person who wrote "Baths".
Not many people are familiar with Seisen to begin with, let alone familiar enough to feel comfortable writing for it. You probably are the only other one!
I like the idea of a gen meme. I'm not a very kinky person, but prompts, especially odd ones, help me write fun things. Agreed on deadness of old kink meme, too.
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Do we need a new kink meme to revive fandom writing shenanigans? There are both pros and cons to it, so... Let's hear it.
I was thinking maybe it would be easier to create a different meme for each game universe, or at least completely separate Tellius and Elibe from the others, that way it would be easier to sift through the prompts.
That, and it would also be kind of cool to have a gen-meme for those of us who love the prompts and the premise, but don't really have a taste for, err, kinks.
Discuss discuss discuss.
I do like that other people make Seisen prompts, though. Even if they rarely get filled.
You said it better than I ever could have, anon.
Agreed on deadness of old kink meme, too.
I wonder what the current ratio of unfilled : filled prompts is.
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