Fire Emblem Writing Meme
Worksafe Only!
→ Hey, listen! This one is a little different! Please keep all prompts and fills T-rated or below.
→ Since this probably won't be as busy as the other sections, all gameverses are welcome here. [If it's needed in the future, it may be divided, but that probably won't happen anytime soon.]
→ Anonymously post a character/pairing and prompt. Remember, this is gen and/or worksafe only, so keep any romance fluffy and cute!
→ Keep the hate out, or if you feel you absolutely must, take it to the
anon meme.
→ Please keep it one request per comment. This will help with the archiving process, plus it'll make it easier for potential writers to figure out what it is they're supposed to be writing.
→ If you request something, please fill someone else's prompt. We don't want this to die.
→ If you fill something, please make it longer than just a paragraph.
→ Art fills are fine too! Unless a prompt specifies either art or 'fic, you can choose how you want to fill it. In fact, even if they do specify, contributions are always appreciated, right?
→ Have fun!