Sep 30, 2016 13:35
I'm sorry Kassie's death is what has brought me out of the woodwork, but I am thankful that we are still here to share with each other so I think it's a good time to do my annual update. I will be 52 years old in October. It seems unreal. It is also unreal that I started my LJ in September of 2002, 14 years ago! Holy crap, where does time go?! It never feels like it is a year between posts.
So where I am?
Not in Yellowstone anymore. I'm back in Boston. I left Yellowstone at the end of March 2016 because I accepted a position as an Assistant HR/Housing Manager for a hotel on Martha's Vineyard. I thought it would be the best of both worlds. I could enjoy the seasonal lifestyle with its housing and lack of bills as well as two to three months off every year while also being a lot closer to home so I could see my folks more often.
Alas it was not to be. My boss was batshit and completely non-collaborative, we were working at least 60 hours a week if not more (leaving me no time to actually see my family or Martha's Vineyard) and the hotel itself is poorly run for a place that is ridiculously expensive. So I quit. Twice. The first time I quit was less than five weeks after getting there. They talked me out of it and offered me a lot more money and promised things would change. So I left the island for three weeks and went home. When I got back to the island nothing had changed. In fact, it was probably worse so less than two weeks later I quit again. This time for good.
Currently I'm in Boston, living with my folks yet again, and I am in a contract job for a MAJOR technology company. My gig is up here at the end of October. They may or may not extend me as a contractor. They may or may not offer me a permanent job. I may or may not know whether the hell I would even want it.
On the plus side.... close to home and the salary would be great. But I miss Yellowstone and I've always hated winters in Boston a lot. And I can't continue to live with my parents for another 8 years like I did the last time and buying a place anywhere in MA is ridiculously expensive even with a good salary. So.... I'm just going to wait and see what happens.