May 05, 2013 13:23
I went to see Iron Man 3 over the weekend. I enjoyed it much more than Iron Man 2. I'm pretty happy when Stark is just puttering around and being snarky. I could watch two hours of that. That's what I enjoyed the most about the first movie.
Of course, I spent a good third of the movie thinking, "Wormhole and aliens, wuh??" until it finally dawned on me that they were referencing The Avengers movie and not Iron Man 2. Umm, seriously? If we're going to start doing this with Marvel universe movies, maybe a "Previously On" segment wouldn't go astray, hmmmm????
I also went to see Oblivion. It's kind of annoying that someone I find kind of annoying favors my preferred genre so I end up seeing way more Tom Cruise movies than I ever meant to see LOL But I actually liked it quite a bit and I think he only had his shirt off once so I didn't have to get all creeped out the whole movie by his weird proportions.
I'm looking forward to The Wolverine. I'm also looking forward to Gatsby and finally seeing Tobey Maguire back where he belongs - in a decent fucking movie. I get so bitter sometimes. I enjoyed the first Spider-Man movie he was in, but I feel like that franchise stalled his acting career. Ugh. I wanted more movies like Pleasantville and Seabiscuit, not shitty Spider-Man movies.