1. Name: Kaydee-pants (which we both know really means Kaydee in Kaydeefuckings pants)
2. Age: 16 for another 2 months
3. Fave Color: anything except variations of brown, orange, yellow, and puce (which is like puke only worse--so bad, in fact, that it must be spelled with a "c" instead of a "k")
4. Fave Movie: I love waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too many movies to put down here, but I guess my all-time favorite would still have to be the classic "Grease"-- but not "Grease 2" cuz that one sucked
5. Fave Song: "If I Fall" by Amber Pacific
6. Fave Band: ooo.... tough one.... um.... we're gonna have to go with.... um.... fuck.... I dunno.... ((think, Kaydee, think!!!! random band random band random band)) BEST DAYS BEHIND!!!!!
7. Most Embarassing Moment: oh, wow..... falling on my ass on STAR lab deck last year....
8. are you a virgin?: no
HERE COMES THE FUN ... ... ...
1. Are we friends?: yep!! forever and ever, you can't get rid of me.... until like.... we get really mad at each other.... then I dunno
2. Do you have a crush on me?: hm.... I have a crush on your singing
3. Would you kiss me?: if you were of the male species, I would think about it
4. ...with tongue?: see answer above
5. Would you enjoy it?: if it was good.... I won't pretend with you if I don't like it.... I love you too much for that
6. Would you ever want me 2 ask you out?: if you were male, and a good kisser, maybe
7. Would you make a move on me in a movie theater?: in your present state of female-ness, no
8. Would you take care of me when I'm sick?: of course
9. Do you want to tell me something that you couldn't before?: um..... I think I've told you just about everything
10.Would you walk on the beach with me?: yep
11. If you heard a rumor about me, would you defend me?: hell yea
12. Do you/have you talk crap about me?: I've said some mean stuff about you to find out what other people think about you, but not cuz I hate you.... just cuz I wanted to find out how stupid some of our "friends" are
13. Do you think I'm a good person?: at heart, most definately
14. Would you sleep with me(not sex just sleep)?: yea, SLEEPOVER!!!!! I'll bring the cokes!!!!
15.Do you think I'm hot?: you're gorgeous, even if no one else thinks so, I do
16. If you could change anything about me -would you?: I love you just the way you are
17.Would you come over for no reason just to hang out?: yep
18. Will you post this so I can fill it out for you?: I might
19. Do you think im easy?: you're about as difficult as they come.... but it makes you amazing
20. Do you think im smart?: of course you are!! you taught me a semester of algebra 2 in 6 hours... and I remember 90% of it
21. Will you repost this to see what others think about you? didn't I just answer this like.... 3 or 4 questions ago?
Kaydee-pants (which we both know really means Kaydee in Kaydeefuckings pants)
2. Age:
16 for another 2 months
3. Fave Color:
anything except variations of brown, orange, yellow, and puce (which is like puke only worse--so bad, in fact, that it must be spelled with a "c" instead of a "k")
4. Fave Movie:
I love waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too many movies to put down here, but I guess my all-time favorite would still have to be the classic "Grease"-- but not "Grease 2" cuz that one sucked
5. Fave Song:
"If I Fall" by Amber Pacific
6. Fave Band:
ooo.... tough one.... um.... we're gonna have to go with.... um.... fuck.... I dunno.... ((think, Kaydee, think!!!! random band random band random band)) BEST DAYS BEHIND!!!!!
7. Most Embarassing Moment:
oh, wow..... falling on my ass on STAR lab deck last year....
8. are you a virgin?:
HERE COMES THE FUN ... ... ...
1. Are we friends?:
yep!! forever and ever, you can't get rid of me.... until like.... we get really mad at each other.... then I dunno
2. Do you have a crush on me?:
hm.... I have a crush on your singing
3. Would you kiss me?:
if you were of the male species, I would think about it
4. ...with tongue?:
see answer above
5. Would you enjoy it?:
if it was good.... I won't pretend with you if I don't like it.... I love you too much for that
6. Would you ever want me 2 ask you out?:
if you were male, and a good kisser, maybe
7. Would you make a move on me in a movie theater?:
in your present state of female-ness, no
8. Would you take care of me when I'm sick?:
of course
9. Do you want to tell me something that you couldn't before?:
um..... I think I've told you just about everything
10.Would you walk on the beach with me?:
11. If you heard a rumor about me, would you defend me?:
hell yea
12. Do you/have you talk crap about me?:
I've said some mean stuff about you to find out what other people think about you, but not cuz I hate you.... just cuz I wanted to find out how stupid some of our "friends" are
13. Do you think I'm a good person?:
at heart, most definately
14. Would you sleep with me(not sex just sleep)?:
yea, SLEEPOVER!!!!! I'll bring the cokes!!!!
15.Do you think I'm hot?:
you're gorgeous, even if no one else thinks so, I do
16. If you could change anything about me -would you?:
I love you just the way you are
17.Would you come over for no reason just to hang out?:
18. Will you post this so I can fill it out for you?:
I might
19. Do you think im easy?:
you're about as difficult as they come.... but it makes you amazing
20. Do you think im smart?:
of course you are!! you taught me a semester of algebra 2 in 6 hours... and I remember 90% of it
21. Will you repost this to see what others think about you?
didn't I just answer this like.... 3 or 4 questions ago?
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