I am aware.

Mar 04, 2010 23:22

Update on Goals:

1. I want to start writing my own music. I am thinking about searching for music writing software since I dont know any musicians and I can't play any instruments. I can sing... but thats about as far as it goes. So I guess this is a two part: A) Purchase music writing software (like Band in a Box or something similar) and B) Start making my own music

No progress has been made as of yet.

2. Complete my first degree in college.

As of the May 2010 I will only need 6 credits to obtain my Associates degree. GPA so far: 3.78 J

3. Other than school loans, get out of debt.

My car is paid off. My bills are paid off and up until September.  My credit card is still maxed out from Ottawa; but it is recovering now that I have freed up income. J

4. Obtain a more lucrative job.

This goal is being postponed until further notice. I have decided to focus on:

5. Pick a major for my Bachelors Degree.

Soul searching has paid off.  I want to be a sociologist.  I want to conduct sociological research.  I am hard-wired for this stuff.  I always have been, I just couldn’t see it. Thank hell for college.

6. Go to broadcasting school.

I am postponing this goal until further notice; It is irrelevant to my current goals, thus will detract from them and only make me frustrated.  K. No. Thanks.

7. Take a few acting courses, get myself better aquainted with acting, specifically in voice acting.

See above. This goal will come later on in life, it’s not time right now. J

8. Get an agent and start trying to get work as a Voice Over Artist.

See above statement.

9. Develop my Embers of Omega Studios further- get more in depth with item descriptions, come up with budgeting, evolve my marketing, etc.

See above statement.

10. Meet Marilyn Manson again.

I missed him this time around, maybe the next time around I will fare better.

11. Move into a house where I can have my own studio.

Decision made. Goal in process of being actualized. We’re moving in September, though we aren’t sure where yet.  My research continues.

12. Solidify my relationship with Louis.

I no longer require this.  Goal met.  I championed my issues and have gotten over them. Finally.  It just took me a while.  (waves at the world)

13. Seek counseling for childhood trauma

Until I feel down and depressed again, I am not going to counseling for it. Instead of that, I am going to take courses in school that further my understanding of myself and the outside world and my place in it.  I have the answer and the motivation to keep myself going.  I found me.  

I am happy. I’m not just a happy ray of sunshine, I am the sun itself, in my mind.  I feel like I have expanded inwardly exponentially.  I can see potential in other people. I can see of what value things are.  And this is just for me.  Others will have different opinions. It doesn’t mean they don’t matter or they have it wrong, it just means that we don’t have the same life experiences and I don’t understand them.  My job with this information is to get it.  Cultivate a vested interest in those around you and all else will follow.  But before you can even do that, you have to discover who you are, for yourself.  I’ve met most of my goals.  It’s time to come up with new ones. More room will always create more happiness.  If you are miserable, inspect areas of your life where the misery is.  Find out the why.  Then figure out what you can do about it.  Don’t talk to anyone about your findings until you’ve done some footwork, researching.  The more you know, the less you have to ask, the more important questions you can come up with.

Needless to say, now compared to November, I’ve stopped tolling the fucking bell.  I no longer need rescuing. I’ve rescued myself.  Now I want to try to rescue others, if they want help.  I think this is a noble and wonderful cause to take up. Here’s hoping the world is ready for me.

New Goals List:


1.        Make music.

2.       Continue to Learn and grow

3.       Master my finances; really figure them out.

4.      Meet Marilyn Manson again.

5.       Create space where I can work these things out for myself.

6.      Know myself well enough to articulate it.  Get all concepts of self-actualization written down.

7.       Update my wardrobe and maintenance it.

8.      Take Care of myself. Keep myself moving and active.

9.      Show love to my network. (Friends, family, animals, the world)

10.    Operate within my boundaries.

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