Quiet... and working.

Feb 20, 2010 22:06

Hello Never-ever land,

Life these days is good. I wake up feeling like I want to be here. Routines do not bother me. So what? Routines are life. I go to school Monday through Thursday. I work Fri-Sun. I have off every other Saturday and the ones i *do* work I only have to work from 5p-10p.

Your friendly neighborhood Carolyn has been up to much, and I will get to that, but first, here's something everyone can enjoy:

This is one of the funniest Glenn Beck pictures I've ever seen.  For any of you out there in cyber-space who don't know about this lunatic fox-network "host".... he's got maybe two brain cells rolling around upstairs. He is the poster-child of the Tea Party Movement.  Supposedly this guy is *VERY* popular amongst the population.  He gets by being hypocritical and by intensifying his audiences fears of (insert political problem here) and anything that remotely has to do with Obama has him going off about how he's the anti-christ.  His followers are pretty much the illiterate working class America who will believe ANYTHING the TV tells them to.  What makes this guy special is that he is deliberately stirring up ratings by doctoring interviews and such that bash him-- pretty much any organization or person who has an opinion about the world that is different than his own- and using it as PROOF of the lies he continuously spews out to his meager, hungry, fear-indulgent, uneducated, mess of an audience.  WAKE UP PEOPLE!

I don't get it.  How can someone be like he is and have a following? Are people really getting this dumb? That they'll follow a fear-mongerer as opposed to someone who is at least *trying* to make changes?  It doesn't make any sense to me.

Back to Carolyn world now--

Otakon is a few months away (July 29th is set up day [read: DEAD LINE!] )  Like last year, Carolyn and her partner in crime, some1onceloved, will begin crafting craziness soon.  But I already have started on my own.  My goal this year is to have 80 kittens made.  I'm not doing the bigger cats this year.  After I get the 80 kittens done, I will be making velco accessories that can be mixed and matched so people can dress their own kitten.  Regular Kitten (comes with collar) will be 15 dollars and a costumed kitty will be 20. I already have 5 kittens done and 25 cell phone straps finished.  I need to apply teh whip and get cracking!

Speaking of cracking, school this semester has made me feel like I am bat-shit-crazy-insane.... but in a GOOD way!  I am taking Intro to Criminal Justice, Ethics in Humanities, Intro to Sociology, and Drawing 101.  The drawing has really helped me focus better than I've been able to in previous months.  It requires a level of focus that I never really have gotten to otherwise, aside from when I read.  I love it.  It's fun to start with an empty canvas and be able to fill it up with whatever I feel like.  The sky is the limit, when I'm done with drawing I can put it away and start back up any time I want... it's easier than I thought it would be.  I hate to say that, but anyone really can draw.  It's just a matter of focus and time. It may take me forever, but I can produce just about anything I put my mind to. Sociology is teaching me about common sense and objectivity and how the two do not always go hand in hand... which has sort of reshaped and redefined myself as a person.  Before if something didn't make sense to me I COULD NOT BE OBJECTIVE.  Because, the way I saw it, how am I supposed to keep an open mind if I don't know anything about (insert random topic here)? Ethics in Humanities is teaching me about what kind of process you go through when you become a Humanities major, before they even let you help other people.  The course is amazing.  It's appeal is that the ethics questions getting raised are useful- and not just in a professional setting, but in a personal one as well!  The Criminal Justice course is teaching me about the ins and outs of the system and how it works.  The teacher is amazing and quite helpful.  We can ask him anything Criminal Justice related and if he knows, he tells.  He is an investigator for the state of MD and works for the circuit court in Annapolis. Fascinating semester!  Lots of homework and thinking going on.  I'm in love with learning about people, all of a sudden.  I don't think this is a bad thing as it's helping me become motivated in other areas.

I think I've gabbed on enough for one entry... life is good.  If you want it to be.  Find what makes you happy and if you lose it, find something else.  Life is WAY TOO FUCKING SHORT to spend it harping on things that aren't going right.  The second I stopped dwelling on things (I can't even tell you how to get to this point, it just happened!)  the better everything got.
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