Aug 22, 2005 21:10
telephone poles= fucked up cars.
tomorrow i gotta take my car to the shop.
this totoally sucks.
i played pool from 4 till 830 tonight.
i'm even beating some kids. and me and jessica
are the shit there being the only
tongiht is like the rest. i sit here and wonder
if the phone is goign to ring if i can bear to put
the pictures away for good. i took them all down last week
but i can't seem to keep them away, just like the memories.
i would be with someone else in no time if i wasn't so in love.
but i'm beginning o wonder wheather the wait will be forever and in vain.
you say that you love me and your kisses speak no lies. your touch is perfect
and the same smiel i fell in love with. but the pain is all to real. the words
to much to bear. my love is onstant but your dewindling from my life right
before me. and your pulling away hard. so the answer to my question stands
stagnant on your lips. what's it goign to be baby?