55% Of The Internet Loves Me!I am loved by 55% of the population, including:
46855 people who love skinny people
57827 people who love happy people
55789 people who love artistic peopleIn return, I love 50% of the population, including:
28427 poets
41706 artistic people
55745 people who like cake
show the love at spacefem.com what can i say, i like cake.
so today was actually really easy. The French quiz was alright, and then from there the day was a breeze. Tomorrows going to be uber rad though cause i'm excused for the whole day for forensics.so pahhaha. I'm only preforming once though, 6th hour woot woot. Then after school chris, rachel and I are gonna go see Little shop of horrors *the play* at the masonic..which is gonna be SAWEEET.
Today in Orchestra Kiefer and I were headbanging to "America, The beautiful", which was heat. We did absolutely nothing like usual and listened to weezer..::sings:: i'm so dumb shes a lesbian, i thought she was the one..:: haha kiefer.
i went on the longest walk in all of eternity w/ rachie today. We walked to the Sav-on strip mall and on the way these workers kept honking at us. I was utterly and completely grossed out.
Then of course, what do i see on the sidewalk? but a penis. a large penis spray painted on the sidewalk by kiefers neighborhood (HAHA KIEFER..wouldn't be surprised if YOU did it, lol)then next to the penis it said "suck"..it was just beautiful..and disturbing.
So tonight Vonzell ROCKED THE HOUSE on american idol..who else is proud cause you know I am. Bo was ok i guess...i kinda hope Carrie gets voted off, shes my least favorite right about now.
well i can't find my multiple pants
..and my earring broke (thats for multiple) so, this is sucky and i'm going to die..actually.
wish me luck.