Apr 11, 2005 17:16
Sorry i haven't updated in eternity i've just been to lazy.
so, dan c and i went to great lakes crossing and got some flippin sweet shit. Dans mom gave him $90. i was like wtf i get like 40, thats not even half of what you got. And he was like yeeeah bitches. lol. Danny boy got (i picked everything out for him) this sweet black polo with a boombox on the front *its like a small patch* and a grey outline of the boombox on the back of it at the bottom and this sweet grey led zepplin shirt. Dan wanted to be in and out of hot topic *which didn't happen anyways* so he like took off his shirt in the store and started trying on the shirts and i'm like 'dan people are stareing'.. so i got him in the dressing room and he changed and tried stooof on which was really really funny, because you know how hot topic has the cloth thingy as a door...yeah well dan just didn't care he ripped his shirt off (he has abbs i have to add haha..) and changed with the thing open...there was like these 11 year olds who were trying on random ugly shit from there (they got some crazy shiznit i have to say) and dan was like..talking to there mom. lmao don't even ask me why he just started up a conversation. And then he winked at the girls...petaphile. so after hotest topic we went into windsor..saw this shirt that said "save cuba" and dan and i couldn't stop laughing..lol.
it was SOO SWEET. My pony was nameless but dans was named "daddyman" just like his nic name. lol fun fun fun. then we went to journeys and saw these SWEET grey converse that dan was gonna buy but he was determined to find a hat (which he never found) that looked like taras. Of course he wanted his to be non-woman-like but every single one we found that looked like it, looked effing retarded on him. haha.
then we walked through f.y.e to get over to forever21 quicker which just led me to buy the birdcage dvd for $9.99 *what a dealio* and left for forever. Once we got there we spent like 20 min which to dan felt like 20 hours...and i got one skirt. woohoo. then we went home and in the car ride home and dan made this really high breathy voice that was fucking HILARIOUS. he was soooo tired...yeah k.
I got up to find that my dad was organizing my cd's since 6:00am..on a saturday..which makes me realize my dad has no life.
I found some sweet cd's though like 70's Dance Machine and 8701 by Usher usher usher...woo. Then mommy, daddy and I went to original pancake house for breakfast and we met paty there. I got the delicious chocolate chip pancakes..ooljgaestlws emj soo good. Then paty, mom and i went to summerset which was shiz cause i got a jean jacket, two pairs of shoes, a led zepplin t-shirt, some jewlery and some make-up. Then home james to get ready for the opera aka "taska". I really didn't want to go, so i explained to me madre that i left my glass's at school so i couldn't even see the effing sub-titles that let you follow along and that i also wouldn't like it because the whole story is:
1. chick goes to jail 2. she falls in love w/ her jail keeper 3. they try to escape together 4. they get caught 5. the dude gets the death penalty but shes somehow free 6. jail keeper and his friends plan a fake shooting so it'll look like they shot him but really..they didn't. 7. She finds out that hes dead from someone in the town 8. She jumps off a clif.
end of story.
soooo i ended up not getting ready fast enough so they just effin left me. Which let me go to battle of the bands though, so thats pretty sweet.
The battle was just ok in the begining but THEN tara went all amazing on me and started causing a ruckus by saying "*points to me* SHE THINKS YOUR HOT" so he winked at me and smiled and came over, put his hands around my face and kissed me on the lips. aioetjwemtgmw3lky w4u906ikwm g. He had brown shaggy hair and bright blue eyes..*sigh* he looked like an actor (haha becca). after that i had after shock for about 20minutes and still do to this very second..he was in phillipism *keyboard player* and i dunno..he was french. lol. I also heard from tara that theres a chat room dedicated to him that his fans made...hah...yeah...at least i'm not that obsessed. But becca thought he was gay, which leads me to the conclusion that i turn gay men straight. yes thats right, its a gift.
I woke up and went to my yai-yai's church for this memorial service for my uncle..then there was a lunch-in..it was really sad and i feel really bad for his sons because they were obsessed with there dad..he was so cool too. He played drums and knew of every band pretty much possible.. : (
His sons are like my 6th cousins so they aren't even really related to me but its like a close family friend kinda thing..and they're so fine..like seriously. lol. and my mom knows i think they're cute *they're twins( identical )* so like in the greek tradition what you do is kiss people on the check when you see them so my mom went up and said hello to them and kissed them on the cheek like normal...but i'm supposed to do the same. So both of them kissed me on the cheeks and it was cute...and they're cute. lol. So once we got inside, my mom was like "HAHA THEY KISSED YOU I DID THAT ON PURPOSE" and i was like "what?" and she was like "kalli honey, you know you do need to marry into the greek faith and one of those boys is a possibilty. It would have been rude if you didn't kiss them on the cheek after i did...i made it easy for you to get a little somethin something huh! HUH?!!" i just stared at her, walked away and got a coke.
After that, we went to the greek parade *ZETO ELATHA* which was SWEET cause I saw all my greek friends..i saw sophioula, alexandra, marika, georgie, nick, nicole, lauren and olivia ...then some other ppl from my chruch. I saw all my other cousins too which was saweeeet. After marching in the parade sophia, marika my mom, dad and i all went to pegasus to get some food. it was delicious, and heart attack giving *aka sophia you know what i'm talking about...go straight back then turn right down the isle*ahem*..
then i came home did homework and talked to alex.
that was by far the longest entry i've ever written..k bye.