Book of Days

Apr 28, 2013 14:06

I liked Lovejames Book of Days meme so I'm doing it too:

Outside my window: Spring is bursting forth all around me, my daffodils are past but the lilies & iris are pushing up, and the Columbine are almost ready to bloom. The days are getting much longer, with bright sunshine starting early and lingering late, we'll have more rain I'm sure, but I do think Spring is finally here (I just hope that Summer will hold off for a few weeks!).

My thoughts... on Sunday 28th April 2013 - this morning on MSNBC Melissa Harris-Perry did a segment on GMO labeling, it was too pro-Monsanto for my taste, but any conversation helps since Monsanto owns the FDA (and both political parties in the USA).

Today's Quote... (Boston spin on Downton Abbey): "Keep wicked calm and Carry the Hell on!"

I am thankful for... having a lovely circle of friends. Last weekend I saw 5 movies in 3 days w/Lynn in Madison, WI... On Wednesday I went to water aerobics w/Sue, Thursday I had a long walk & a good talk w/Judy, and then Friday night Laurie came over to watch last Monday's Castle. It is a blessing to have friends to play with.

What I learned this week... okay, nothing really educational, but I learned that the spoilers are seriously starting for both SHIELD and Avengers 2 (how will I stay spoiler free?!?!).

From the kitchen last week... I roasted a nice organic chicken and I've been slowly having meals off it since (it takes me at least 4 meals to get through a 4 pound chicken). I'm lucky to be able to get good organic foods to eat.

I am creating (crafts, sewing etc)... I have to finish my gown for the Discworld Convention coming up, and I just started painting the mural/figure of the Buddha in my meditation room (I've been wanting to do this for a while, but I only paint big projects w/wall paint when I can open the windows). Soon I'll be working on more Steampunk porcelain dolls: I just won an eBay auction for 4 damaged dolls (only $7 for the group of 4!).

My adventures this week... Well last week I saw 'Much Ado About Nothing', which was an adventure... so I wasn't really looking for any adventure this week. In fact I was purposely staying in and catching up w/laundry and house cleaning.... but as I said, I got together w/a number of friends (not an adventure, but definitely fun).

Becoming well read (What are you reading this week?).. Still reading (and enjoying) Nora Roberts' J.D. Robb series, they are entertaining and exciting. So what if they don't expand my mind? LOL

I manifest and co-create (what are your hopes and dreams this week).. I'm focusing on my meditation and Vedic recitation,

Melody (what music are you listening to? even if it's just the sound of a bird).. I was going to say that I rarely listen to music, but otoh I have been listening to more birds! I have hung a small bird feeder outside my kitchen window and I've been enjoying the small birds who have been hanging around more now that they get a treat.

One of my favorite things.. The Big Bang Theory delighted me by devoting an episode to BtVS (among other things). I've shone a lot of friends my BtVS, Angel & Firefly DVDs, and most of them don't become huge fans. Actually I recently heard that one DVD set DID have a bigger effect than I thought. When a friend's adult daughter was going through cancer treatment I sent her a set of Firefly DVDs (as a distraction, and something fun to uplift her spirit), I never heard back from her so I figured she didn't like it. But on the contrary, she loved it, and she turned her sister and her parents on to it! The entire family had become Firefly fans and I didn't even know it! ;D

Goals reached last week... got birthday gifts wrapped and mailed off to family. And I gathered all the Georgette Heyer romances and shipped them back to a friend in San Francisco. Small accomplishments but good to get done.

Things that made my week this week.. the weather, Doctor Who, and the recent issue of Angel & Faith. Of course if we push back a few days then what REALLY thrilled me was coming in 10th in Brian K. Vaughan's SAGA costume contest!

Still life (share a picture you've taken OR a picture you found online that speaks to you)..

here is that picture of me that appeared in the back of the last issue of SAGA

much ado about nothing, saga, doctor who, angel & faith

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