I love Joss Whedon

Jul 13, 2012 05:44

So Friday at noon in Ballroom 20 there will be a Firefly Reunion panel sponsored by Science Channel (they will film the panel and air it next November on the Science channel).  So tonight a line formed of Browncoats wanting the best possible seats... which isn't too surprising (some kids don't bother with the expense of a hotel room, they party and/or camp in line all night every night at Comic Con).  Around 2 am (Pacific Time) Adam Baldwin walked by the line to say 'Hi' to everyone, but then around 2:30 - 3 am Joss Whedon showed up and he is still there as I write!  H e is signing autographs, and making his fans love him even more.  

A lot of fans line up at Comic Con, but the people they are lined up to see don't normally come by to show their appreciation.  

image Click to view

Morning Up-Date:  the line for Ballroom 20 (where the Firefly Reunion will take place) is longer than the line for Hall H (the largest hall at Comic Con where all the A lister panels, backed by the huge studios, will take place).  In fact if fans weren't in line by dawn then they might be out of luck.  Doors will open in about 20 minutes (I wish I was there). Up-date at 11 am Pacific Time: Ballroom 20 is full, it has a 4,200 capacity, and 10,000 people stood in line to get in:

here you see many of the 6,000 or so people who didn't get in! *sigh*

The Science Channel will air their Firefly Reunion Special on Nov. 11th, but here is a clip from the end of the panel (everyone was crying a lot by then):

image Click to view

firefly, joss whedon, sdcc, browncoats

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