It's beginning to feel a lot like Christmas....

Dec 03, 2011 13:50

I got my Christmas cards mailed on December 1st (which is what I always aim for)
and I got my tree up (I mentioned that in my last post)
I have gifts ready to ship to family and friends (tho I'm sure my brother will come up with a last minute request)

Last night was the Big December Art Walk here in Fairfield, IA.  On the first Friday night of every month they do an Art Walk, where stores and galleries stay open late to show local art work, vendors come out to sell food and crafts, and a festival atmosphere is created to fit that particular month.  The theme for this December is ginger bread houses, here is my favorite one:

(click to enlarge photo)

And I posed for a photo with a couple of my favorite decorations (they are put up every year in the Fairfield Square)

(click to enlarge) I just think this photo is hilarious!

There is always a lot to do during the Holidays, they all follow one another so quickly!

fairfield art walk, christmas, ginger bread houses

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