TV Goodness

Jan 15, 2011 22:32

I finally got around to watching the last five episodes of Caprica, and IMO they were really worth watching...
Just that last five minutes, quickly showing us all the things that the makers weren't going to get to show on the cancelled show, were really interesting.
I'm not saying I didn't fast forward through any of it, because frankly I found that whole Adama backstory to be a big snooze... But I loved Zoe in the 'game' and I really loved Lacey taking over outside of the game!
Caprica had had a lot of promise. But they didn't manage to keep their audience, I think they got into too many digressions and failed to keep the show about the young people who were really at the heart of the matter.

I also recently saw the pilot for The Cape and I loved it! I loved the framed cop, the circus people, and really love Summer Glau as Orwell. It seems to be a really interesting concept and I'm very excited to see more episodes.

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summer glau, the cape, caprica, tv

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