flist meme

Dec 30, 2010 15:38

Following the path of so many,

Copy and Paste if you have enjoyed the blessing of meeting people online that you never would have met any other way. This is my end of the year shout out to the many "friends" I have never met and those I have all too rarely been in the same room with, who have inspired, amused, comforted, encouraged, and touched me in so many ways. Here's to another year together!

facebook is not so much a communication site, it is more superficial (short blurbs, links and photos are all you end up doing there)... but here at lj I have gotten to know some people I've never met, who mean a lot to me. People who have shared not only the BtVS & Firefly love (because I had belonged to specific boards for those) but who have also kept me up to date on Doctor Who and anything with Terry Pratchett's name attached....
Livejournal seems to be more sparsely populated these days... but I'm grateful that it is still here.

And I'm grateful to all my friends here

But I guess this meme is about ALL my friends online, and those date back to when I first discovered E! online, which was not a great board, but I did meet some great friends... who introduced me to better boards. I feel that I've gotten a great deal out of the social aspects of the internet... it has just been about ten years, but it has been a live-time of fun.

flist meme, lj, friends list, meme

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