Authors in Steampunk settings....

Aug 31, 2010 21:12

I decided to pay homage to three of my favorite writers by putting them into a steampunk environment:

Jane Austen (click to enlarge)

Louisa May Alcott (click to enlarge)

Dorothy L. Sayers (click to enlarge)

Obviously I could have spent a lot more time and done a better job matching the inserts to the picture of the author, but I was enjoying the collage look (and I'm way too impatient to do a really meticulous job!). I could have even spent more time thinking about what objects would go best with what picture, but that brings us back to the impatient thing again....

Anyway, I'm really happy with these, and now I'll need to hunt down some good frames for them!

steampunk, authors, louisa may alcott, dorothy l. sayers, jane austen

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