Magical Christmas Fun

Dec 22, 2009 10:51

Last night Robert and I planned a really special night out: we went out for a vegetarian Chinese feast (I think it was the best tofu dish I've ever had) then drove into downtown Chicago to see the Christmas lights.  I have to confess that the department stores were disappointing, if any had big Christmas displays then we didn't find them....  But as we drove North on Michigan Avenue, along the lake, we saw amazing lights in the zoo!

Robert managed to get around over near there and find a parking space (!) and we wondered into the most magical display of Lights I've ever seen!  It was billed as ZooLights and they had painstakingly wound lights around all the trees, and set up huge light displays of animals and Christmas themes, and they had ice sculptures!  It was amazing! I cannot describe how magical it was!

Afterwards we went to see the Coen Brother's film 'A Serious Man' which is very weird and really hilarious (I'm so lucky that my brother loves the same kinds of off beat films I do!).

image Click to view

I'm not sure I can recommend it to everyone, but we loved it (and Joss recommended it on Whedonesque a week ago).

Oh, and this morning we are snowed in!  lol

zoo, a serious, christmas lights, coen brothers, christmas, man

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