Donovan Concert in small town Iowa

Nov 15, 2009 09:23

Last night I went to a really interesting (almost awesome) concert here in Fairfield, Iowa:
The concert was organized to benefit the David Lynch Foundation, and director David Lynch was there on the stage introducing each act, all of whom were there as a personal favor to him (I believe).
James McCartney Band
The opening band was Paul McCarney's son James' band... they were making their US (Western hemisphere?) debut, and this was an odd venue for them considering they are a young rock band, and most of the audience was at least my age (pushing 60). But James McCartney has a really beautiful voice, and his band is doing all original music (no cover songs at all)... I think we'll be hearing more from them soon.

Laura Dawn's The Little Death
This is also a really interesting band, and not entirely suited to the venue (too loud for the aging audience), but again: no covers for them, all their music is very original. Laura Dawn is from Iowa... but her sound is more honky-tonk/jazz mix (the entire band is very talented).

Donovan is clearly getting very old, at first I was disappointed because he came out looking like Tiny Tim at his worst (hair too long, only showing off the bald spots)

but as soon as he started to sing (accompanying himself w/his guitar) I knew immediately that the old magic was still there: his voice sounded great. But then after only a couple of quiet songs he invited all of Little Death out onto the stage, and it was amazing! They have really worked with him as his back up singers and band: they knew all the old arrangements and accompanied him with a Psychodelic sound that was right out of the 1960s. It was awesome! All of a sudden everyone was a teenager again, and we were all standing up and singing along and rocking out to Donovan's music....
He could have sung longer, but he did play at least 6 or 7 of his greatest hits, and he sounded amazing. I'm really happy I was there!

fairfield, little death, ia, james mccartney, david lynch, donovan

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