misc fun...

Jun 01, 2009 07:01

 I'm still making ceramics, and luckily my class doesn't treat me like Lio (because our work is a lot a like):

I watch too much TV; like Calvin I need to protect my TV time!

There is a wonderful article (with NO spoilers) about the Gothic attributes of Dollhouse that is being discussed at Whedonesque, and I really think there are interesting similarities.  I had definitely felt that Joss was skating close to Frankenstein imagery with the imprint chair, particularly in Alpha's laboratory, but it is true that even in the Dollhouse you can see Topher as rather Igor like. And in reading this I start to see Adelle as the Queen of the Damned, with her vampire minors (instead of their blood having been sucked, their brains have been). Echo makes a very credible Gothic heroine, but instead of being pursued by just one lecher she has an unending number of customers wanting to control her.

I think in this article they meant 'gothic' in terms of the literary style of writing where you have a set of expectations: virginal ingenue in a haunted mansion or castle being pursued by a lecherous older man, until eventually she is saved by a handsome young hero. This was a common popular genre novel form (actually it still is).

'Jane Eyre' is actually a play on that genre, only Charlotte Bronte set the expectations on their ear by having Jane decide to marry Mr. Rochester (the older lecher) instead of St. John (her priggish but young handsome hero). In 'Northanger Abbey' Jane Austen also wrote a gothic novel within a gothic novel, which is hilarious.

I think we could say that Joss has done enough here to hint us in the direction of the gothic novel genre: Topher remarks that Echo is virgin again, we imagine the rich old men who would request Echo's company, and we have seen the handsome 'hero' who hasn't quite gotten his act together to save her (but he saved November, maybe). There really is a lot of interesting layers to 'Dollhouse' and I am so thrilled we are going to get to return for more!

In other news:  Joss gave the key note address at Wesleyan's graduation, he flew there after leaving Vancouver where they were wrapping up Cabin in the Woods, and returning to LA where they are gearing up for the next season of Dollhouse.

Well I should stop wasting time and get on with my day....

calvin, lio, dollhouse, joss whedon

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