I'm such a geek....

Feb 27, 2009 22:50

 Okay, this was a big old geek day, building to a major geek weekend:
Today I went to the first day of Wondercon here in San Francisco:

it was just the first day of the convention and there wasn't much going on... well, I skipped a panel or something w/Henry Winkler in it....  Today was my day for walking around and checking out everything that was going on...  there were a lot of old time actors who sit ignored... they are selling their autographs for $20 but I don't want their autographs...  I mean people like:

Gary Lockwood (do you remember him?)
the guy w/the sharp shark style teeth from the James Bond 'The Spy Who Loved Me' 
the man who played Timmy on Lassie a million years ago...
Gigi Edgley who played Chiana on Farscape

and whole bunch of other has been actors whose pictures are more familiar than their faces are.... (many who had had bit roles on Star Trek TOS)   so I smile at them, and try not to look like I'm pitying them for sitting there without anyone wanting their autographs....

OTOH there are so many young artists who are doing beautiful work, and I met the guy who is writing the Farscape comics (I can't tell if he is good or not yet... but I liked the first issue) and of course a ton of fun stuff to look at and be tempted to buy (I was disappointed that there wasn't much Doctor Who stuff....

I was wearing my Doctor Who t-shirt I had made and I got a lot of compliments on it.

So it was a fun day.  Tomorrow I'll get to meet Felicia Day who is signing at the Browncoat booth for charity.

And then tonight I had my big sci-fi fun TV night:

T:SCC - is really getting deadly dull, I'm sorry but we've had too many episodes all about Sarah Connor, and she is NOT the most interesting person in this show... not even close.  I want more about Cameron/Summer's character, and a lot more about all the other terminators on the show, because these humans are really just annoying.

Dollhouse: I am LOVING this show, I'm upset that several of my friends cannot get into it, but frankly all those friends are ones who never liked Faith either... so I think something about Eliza just annoys them and gets in the way...   But I suppose it could be a lot of things, not everyone is going to love everything I love (which is hard for me to accept), and certainly this is a show that can hit a lot of people's buttons...

I've even come up with a theory about the cheesy plot points; they are so we will look beyond the standalone nature of the engagements and focus on the story arc about the actives and the Dollhouse itself. 
1.  The first episode about the kidnapped little girl who might get abused (and the negotiator who had been) was really about how not all the actives were volunteers, some were kidnapped, and all are abused.
2.  The second episode with the 'Most Dangerous Game' was about how all the actives are being forced to play out the games (many of them dangerous physically, but all could be dangerous emotionally) others set for them.
3.  And tonight with Echo being body guard mirrored Boyd guarding her, as well as everything about prisons and freedom. 
I feel that all of this is very playful and interesting and a lot of fun. I'm really loving it.

Oh and BSG?  Sorry, geek that I am... I'm taping it because I wanted to come and read the posts about Dollhouse at Whedonesque,  and I wanted to post here... and I do have to get to bed because tomorrow is another long exhausting & fun day at Wondercon!

wondercon, sci fi, dollhouse, bsg, t:scc

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