Best of 2008

Dec 31, 2008 20:57

 I didn't see enough movies to do a 'Best of' list, and although I read a ton of books,  mostly I was rereading all of Terry Pratchett and Jim Butcher, so I'm not sure that even counts.... I get a lot out of rereading books, when I first read them I'm in a fever of excitement and inhale the book.... but when I reread I can really linger over the language and details (assuming the book has any worth lingering over).

Oh and it just turned 9 pm here, that is midnight for the East Coast!  Happy New Year!

But TV was exciting in 2008!  Best TV in 2008:

1. Dexter: the first season might be the best, the second season was equally awesome, and although some people have said they didn't think the 3rd was as good, I would still say it is better than any other 50 shows on the air!  Excitement, dark humor, character development (for even minor characters)
2. Burn Notice:  this is another show I discovered for the first time in 2008, during the writers' strike, and I feel completely in love with...  like Dexter you have exciting stories, engaging characters in complex relationships, and a lot of off-beat humor.  I am in love....
3. Chuck:  I had liked it last year, but this year (after the writers' strike) it has really upped it's game, I feel that this earns a top place on my list.
4. Big Bang Theory:  I enjoyed BBT in 2007, but I loved it this year, it is one of the high points of my week (something that makes me laugh is always something worth watching!)
5. Terminator: Sarah Conner Chronicles:  I was actually indifferent to this last year and the first two episodes of this year, but they have managed to really do a lot to deepen the characters and the metaphor goodness, I think they have made this one of the best shows on TV.
6. Doctor Who:  season 4 of Doctor Who was the most awesome (IMO) and it was a high point of my year...  but not better than the above.
7. Pushing Daisies:  was awesome, and it breaks my heart that it was cancelled, but I can understand that it may have been too quirky.
8. Leverage:  this is a brand new show, it just started a month or two ago, but it already deserves mention, it is seriously awesome.
9. House:  I could never skip House, Hugh Laurie is amazing and they manage to create some new twists (mostly with the character interactions) in spite of a fair repetitive story line.
10.  Election 2008:  Okay, maybe this should really be #1, because the election ended up dominating my TV watching (and my time online) for the entire year.  From the time Obama won the Iowa Primary in January 2008 I was watching ALL of his speeches and interviews, I never missed Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert, Keith Olbermann, and my new favorite: Rachel Maddow.  And I expect to continue to love all those shows in 2009!  I've stopped my daily visitings to the online sites: Huffington Post, various Polling sites, and many Obama websites....  but I'm still way more interested in politics than I have been since Bobby Kennedy died in 1968.

I hope that 2009 continues the trend of interesting character driven TV shows (I hope that that is what Dollhouse turns out to be!), and that I'll continue to enjoy listening to Barack Obama's speeches and Press conferences, as well as all the political shows I mentioned in #10.

May 2009 fulfill all your fondest desires!  Love to all!

chuck, dollhouse, dexter, tv, burn notice, election, house, new year

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