Mar 16, 2008 14:12

Yesterday a link was posted at Whedonesque wherein Neil Patrick Harris (of Doogie Houser, and How I Met Your Mother fame, not to mention...) said:
"I’m doing a web short film that Joss Whedon is directing and wrote called DR. HORRIBLE’S SING-A-LONG BLOG. That’s a musical about super villains and crossing my fingers for the next round of Dancing With The Stars. (long pause) No..."
At Whedonesque everyone was wondering...was he only joking about being on Dancing with Stars, or about working w/Joss too?
But then last night
Joss Whedon posted to clarify:


The bag is catless.

During the strike I started writing a musical intended as a limited internet series, 3 episodes of approximately 10 minutes each. Writing with me was my brother Jed, his fiancee Maurissa, and my other brother Zack. To my shock and surprise, we finished it. To my greater shock and surprise, we managed (with the help of many people I'll be praising at length soon) to drag it into preproduction (yes, just as DOLLHOUSE was given a start date two months away and all my comics were due.) And today, after a grueling week of writing everything ever while trying to be a producer, I got to start shooting. A musical.

This much I will say: It's the story of a low-rent super-villain, the hero who keeps beating him up, and the cute girl from the laundromat he's too shy to talk to. And I'm having the time of my life.


Neil Patrick Harris.....as Dr. Horrible
Nathan Fillion..........as Captain Hammer
Felicia Day.............as Penny

And a cast of Dozens!

Coming soon.

joss | March 16, 04:22 CET

All I can say is OMG!  Neil Patrick Harris and Nathan Fillion singing and fighting?  LOL

It is too sweet to be believed!  Have years of Josslessness (except for comics), while his life was being made miserable w/endless Wonder Woman rewrites, now we finally have him back!  He is busy producing Dollhouse, which starts filming in April for a Fall release (knock on wood), and is already filming DR. HORRIBLE’S SING-A-LONG BLOG to appear online (and eventually on DVD I hope...in fact I would like for it to go on to Broadway!).  This is great and exciting (you have gathered that I'm excited, right?).

edited to add:


Joss Whedon post at Whedonesque regarding Felicia Day's involvement (and inspiration):

Two things I'd like to makes clear:

1) Felicia Day is irresistible. Resist her. Try! Feel a little foolish now? She lights up the set (not literally; electricians do that), she sings like an angel and her acting is funny and true. Today we had all three principals singing together and it was not unfun. What a bunch.

2) Felicia is partially responsible for this ever happening. "The Guild" first made me realize we could just go out there and get it done, make funny shows all by our lonesomes. In fact, I had coffee (not literally; I had tea) with her just to ask her about the process before I ever thought to cast her. (She has a huge amount of knowledge and talks very fast. I just nodded a lot and tried not to panic.) She's perfect for this part, but it's nice that she also earned it with Karma.

3) I don't have a three. It just seems like I should. More updates the next time my kids wake me up at 3:00! (Well, I guess 3:00 is a three... )


joss | March 17, 13:26 CET

it is all very exciting!  I'm excited!

Musical!  Extravaganza! Our Captain, a BtVS Alum, AND NPH!  LOL

dr. horrible, neil patrick harris, joss whedon, nathan fillion

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