comic heroes

May 07, 2007 12:06

I haven't posted in a week...and it was actually kind of a busy week, but this one is starting off slow;
I am proud of myself for just washing all my big floor to ceiling picture windows (inside & out) which is a lot of work, but I have to confess that I've lived here a year and it is the first time I've done it (I should never let them get so dirty, but the sea breezes do carry a lot of dirt).

So one of the really fun things about last week was that last Wednesday we got new issues of Runaways, Buffy the Vampire Slayer season 8,  and Astonishing X-men all written by Joss Whedon!  There have been some good discussions at Whedonesque:

Buffy the Vampire Slayer season 8:
everyone is writing about the excitement of
Ethan, Buffy sandwich sex dreams, Gigantor Dawny stomping into the fight, and of course the return of Warren!  But the main point I wanted to make is that Joss has definitely justified the whole comic book genre thing:  he could NEVER have set part of the season in Scotland, he could never have afforded doing Giant Dawn, and I don't think there is any way DB and JM would have agreed to do the sandwich thing on film!  LOL 
Comic books definitely have their uses and this last issue more than justified itself IMO.

I loved Brian K. Vaughan's writing of Runaways, and I don't mean any disrespect to his creation of this great series when I say that Joss has really kicked things into high gear!   The dialog is funnier and the situation is much more dire as our kids begin to compromise their principles and question their loyalties to one another.  I am really happy that Joss is doing this, I just wish he would continue beyond 6 issues (and I REALLY wish he was bring Gert back!).

Astonishing X-men
I haven't gotten this issue yet, Marvel will get it to me in the next couple of days, but of course it is never as important to me as the above are:  I'm just not that invested in the X-men (maybe I'm thinking they can take care of themselves?  LOL).

So tonight we get another episode of Heroes at they wind things up for their season finale, will they actually resolve anything?  I don't know, but I have to say that I loved last week's hotties: both Hiro and Peter looked VERY good five years into the future!

comics, joss, tv

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