Veronica Mars and House

Nov 01, 2006 15:21

Last night the Powers that Be ran Veronica Mars and House on against one another, something I was really hoping wouldn't happen.  I ended up taping both (I watched Veronica Mars but I was worried about getting interupted by late trick or treaters.... I needn't have worried).  Both were first rate, and confirmed the things I enjoy about them.

House had a number of different plots developing, underneith it all seemed to be a theme of separation between people, and disappointment.  I was very frightened by David Morse's character, he hasn't been so scary since Twelve Monkeys).  More and more I watch this show less for the case of the week than for the interaction between the main characters and their personal struggles/arcs.

Veronica Mars: I loved the ending, I had been wishing that Veronica would have put gum in the little girl's hair, but the necklace thing was good too!  I'm worried about Wallace, how do you get out of the mess he finds himself in?  And how could he be so stupid?  I am definitely missing Mac, but there was a lot going on here, and I appreciated a Weevil centric episode.

I hope they won't end up at the same time all the time, it is really inconvenient.  But I guess I can survive it, so long as no one expects me to go out, or even answer the phone, on Tuesday nights.

house, tv, vm

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