
Oct 21, 2006 06:26

do you ever get sick of just how relative life is?

actually this doesn't capture what I'm thinking at all...but I don't even care, because nothing matters.
I just find myself longing for something a little less random sometimes....


Doctor Who: I loved the episode but it seemed to make no sense at all to me, which is own life is making no sense so why should Doctor Who?  However if anyone would like to tell me WHY the derelict ship was named for Madame de Pompadour (unless it is a spoiler for some future episode)?
BSG: I'm thrilled that Starbuck managed to kill her jailer AND she was pulled up short by learning that she did buy into the baby lie, a wonderful layered  performance.  And we can postpone Sharon's sense of betrayal since her baby didn't make it off New Caprica.  I am loving this grim and painful show!
NUMB3RS: was all about random events, and how if they are too random they end up proving that they really aren't random.... somehow it is reassuring of the order to the universe.  But of course an orderly universe doesn't mean that it isn't all relative, and meaningless....

A religious person might/would suggest that knowing God is the meaning of life...and I wouldn't necessarily disagree with that, but since God is outside the realm of relative existance then knowing Him (or Her) doesn't actually make life more meaningful at all, it only potentially makes death more meaningful, which is the big pig in a poke people have been buying into since time began:  We try to find meaning and it exists only in terms of Faith, and Faith by definition can not be proved, so the life remains just as relative and meaningless as it always was, but we believe it means something.  And believing something on faith doesn't really make life less relative at only makes it easier to bear.    I should just go to bed....  I'm usually content to accept the random events of relative existance without getting down about it, but  tonight I am really sick of it. 


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