Firefly boyfriend quiz

Sep 26, 2006 07:43

Okay here is a fun
'Who is your boyfriend on Firefly' quiz:

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serenity, firefly, quiz, meme

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Okay I found one quiz liluv September 27 2006, 17:11:54 UTC
Okay you´re not gonna believe this

... )


Re: Okay I found one quiz liluv September 27 2006, 17:15:32 UTC
This obviously isn´t the quiz you all took, sorry for the big picture. So how do I get to the other quiz?


Re: Okay I found one quiz embers_log September 27 2006, 17:40:11 UTC
just go to my original post and click on the word 'quiz' under the picture....
now I must go play your quiz (I never mind a big picture of Jayne...I love Jayne! LOL)


Re: Okay I found one quiz embers_log September 27 2006, 17:44:56 UTC
well that one was a lot easier...I got Mal because it IS hard to actually ask for Jayne (I'm surprised you got him!)


Re: Okay I found one quiz liluv September 27 2006, 18:24:19 UTC
No idea how I got Jayne essp. since I wasn´t aiming for getting him or anything LOL!

I took the quiz again just to see the promised "yummy pics" of Nathan Fillion and it was just the naked chest pic from Firefly. Ah well.

I took the other quiz, your original quiz, too and got Mal. So uhm woohoo.


Woo Hoo embers_log September 27 2006, 20:16:01 UTC
I'm glad you got Mal, and MOST people would count the bare chested picture as the yummiest... although I like this one better:

... )


Re: Woo Hoo liluv September 28 2006, 05:56:21 UTC
Well, I don´t really find barechested pics of guys very yummy per se. I guess I need some action to go with it :)

But the pic above is funny. Poor Mal, but with his lifestyle those won´t be the lasts scars he gets.


Re: Woo Hoo embers_log September 28 2006, 14:25:08 UTC
I was impressed that the makeup artists for the movie took the time to include the scars of Mal, although I do think they should have provided some other mysterious ones (like although we didn't know about the nerve cluster being moved, seeing a large scar on his back would have been interesting...).

I'm not always that impressed with a barechested photo either, but I have to say that I think Sean (Simon) Maher is VERY impressive with his shirt off...really incredible shoulders. It reminds me of watching tennis: most players are not particulary attractive with their shirts off, but there was one who I can't remember his name but he wasn't a great player, kind of a scrappy bad tempered guy who barely ever made it into the top ten, but I saw him practicing w/out his shirt once and I was amazed at how classically beautifully his body was!


Re: Woo Hoo liluv September 28 2006, 15:52:05 UTC
I haven´t seen a shirt off pic of Sean Maher I think. He is a very pretty guy I can imagine with his beautiful face he´ll be impressive with nice shoulders.

I agree about the scars, some mysterious ones would have been cool. And kinda logical since he fought a war and I doubt he´ll have made it without physical reminders. I do think Nathan Fillion looks like he once broke his nose though. That would fit to Mal as well.


Re: Woo Hoo embers_log September 28 2006, 18:15:05 UTC
You don't remember the famous Simon with his shirt off scene in Objects in Space?

... )


Re: Woo Hoo liluv September 28 2006, 18:22:14 UTC
No, I don´t remember that scene at all! I do remember the make out scene at the end of Serenity though, but it´s from far away isn´t it? I suck at remembering shirt off scenes, because -quite frankly- they don´t do much to me unless I am enthralled by the actor/character in particular. Or unless it´s spectacular like Mal´s nude scene. Nakedness on tv in general annoys me, because it´s often too obvious going for the effect. (Yeah, I´ve seen one or two naked men before. Duh!).


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