Aug 01, 2006 22:45

I wrote about EUReKA recently, because I really enjoyed  the pilot (Sci-fi channel Tuesday nights after Dead Like Me), but I wanted to follow up because it is getting better and better.  The supporting cast is so brilliant, and they are really spending some serious time with them:  I am really falling for Joe Morton (who plays Henry Deacon, it had looked like a minor role in the pilot, but his role has gotten bigger and bigger in the following two episodes) who I remember loving in Brother From Another Planet (I do love me my Science Fiction!).    I really recommend this, it is funny and interesting and full of promise to become a good character driven sci-fi mystery.

Did I mention that I got my Done The Impossible DVDs?  These are fan made about the activities of the fans to try to save Firefly and support Serenity.  I am enjoying the DVDs, but they are kind of bittersweet: it is a little depressing to remember how sure we were a year ago that Serenity would be a huge blockbuster film and the beginning of a giant franchise to out-shine Star Wars.  I don't mean that I'm losing faith in it, but I'm afraid it will be more like Star Trek: over years, as the fans don't go away and more people see the TV show & movie DVDs then eventually more movies will be made...and probably even a new TV show will be made...but it could be like 10 years from now (like it was for Star Trek).

today's Boondocks was very funny, definitely something I can identify with!  LOL

eureka, tv

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