Jun 01, 2015 14:44
I've been sick as a dog for a week or so, and running 2 steps behind and playing catch up for several weeks now. This weekend saw my illness down to a dull roar. (Allergies and Sinus infectiongiving me the ol' 1-2 and apparent tooth issue that just cropped up to noticeable level that is another likely causal factor. )
I got my car registered today. Only 1 day late. Yay! \0/
Laundry is nearly caught up. I just need to get it all upstairs and away.
I baked some cookies while waiting for the computer system at town hall to get up and running again.
I got all the overwintering herbs back outside to the garden area, and got MOST of the seedlings in for this years garden. (1 flat of zucchini 1 flat of green beans and a package of sugar snap pea seeds left to go.) Might need to get a new Thyme plant too, as it looks a little iffy. We will see what the current dowsing of rain and more sunlight does for it..
Left to do?
Get appt for physical for work this month, and another for the dentist to check into that tooth.
BED. Working tonight.