LJ Interests meme results
- family:
they are fun to throw things at. plus, my daddy is the only person i know that has a similar twisted sense of humor like me. - kool aid.:
kool aid might be the most refreshing damned drink on the face of this planet. and flavor choices! koolaid is just plain delicious. - kyle :):
kyle is freaking delicious, much like kool aid. and hes damn hot. - moulin rouge:
this movie is a veritable feast for the eyes. plus, the music is incredible. and the costumes are sweet. - movies:
i think this is a no-brainer. honestly. - myself:
wow...im kindof embarassed by this one. i mean, who isnt interested in themselves. not in a strange or sexual way, but i think im pretty kick-ass. - radiohead:
radiohead is possibly the most perfect band of our time. try to find a flaw. its damn near impossible. - reggie:
reggie is one hawt dawg. hes my favorite puppy in our back yard. - rushmore:
jason schwartzman and wes anderson make this a must-see. i didnt like it the first time i saw it, but now i love it soooo much. its kindof ridiculous. - smashing pumpkins:
the smashing pumpkins are so versatile. one sweet kyle introduced me to their music. much awesomeness to be found here.
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