just updating before bedtime

Jan 08, 2008 21:14

When I entered school today, I saw the sign that announced Ron Paul would be there to talk about his healthcare plan. It was for January 3rd. Way to be, we weren't even in school. I feel like something needs to be done now at school--we had Huckabee, Romney, and Paul. A cleansing ritual, perhaps. Where were the Democratic candidates, damn it? Do I have to design a shirt that says, "Fuck it! Not all doctors are Republicans--some of us have a heart." That would go over well.

So, I went to the gym today because I don't have cable and I wanted to watch some of the primary. McCain won New Hampshire before I even got there! I spent a half hour on...a treadmill. It was low impact enough that I could pay attention. It was crowded. I felt like I was a new years resolution person, but really, I wanted the cable.

Instead of making snide remarks about Anderson Cooper (could I ever really?) and Wolf Blitzer (I have no problem there), I'm going to make snide comments about Cashmere Mafia because I believe it embodies everything I hate about being a female. I just started to watch it almost twenty minutes in, I doubt I missed much. Indeed, I didn't!

9:17: Blah, blah, blah, I'm a woman in a corporate world!
9:18: Snippy dialogue leads to sex...check. In the office of all places. I don't know about you, but I'd just enjoy getting jabbed by a paperclip and ruining my desk calendar.
9:19: Hot priest. *headdesk* Fucking Thornbirds. Father What a Waste.
9:20: Slutty nanny...check. "See my sweater puppies? SEE THEM! FORESHADOWING!"
9:21: Affair...check
9:21: Peppy Sex and the City type music...check.
9:22: Commercial Time and reflection: I don't know why, but I'm feeling the encroachment of bitterness from a wasted youth and imagination that can only be tamed by wish fulfillment fantasies. By the way, did I ever mention how much I hate Grey's Anatomy? The commercials are reminding me of that. It makes me happy there is a writer's strike. It's like, protecting America in some way.
9:25: MARTINIS! And girl talk. Boring, non iambic-pentameter girl talk.
9:26: Nanny with lingerie...FORESHADOWING!
9:28: BITTER, BITTER, BITTER OLD WOMAN! "When I was their age...."
9:29: "How do you like your steak done?" I had no idea that was a euphemism for sexual encounters. I think if I said that to David he would say, "Steak? We're having steak?" And he'd get really happy, but then I'd have to break it to him that there wasn't steak. Dude, I'd like a steak about now. An actual steak. Dahl's is still open....
9:29 Awkward psuedo-lesbian moment.
9:30: Oh, two girls kissing on ABC has offended my delicate sensibilities. Oh, it's so fucking provocative! Especially with the Carol King version of "Natural Woman" PLAYING IN THE BACKGROUND
9:31: Commercial and reflection: Oh fuck, a Diane Keaton woman empowerment feel good movie. I bet it has girl dancing scenes. It's what girls do. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! JONNY LEE MILLER! :D :D :D Oh wait, maybe I don't want to watch this show.
9:36: That guy is doing a lot of talking and not a lot of fucking. Oh, it's the guy from That Thing You Do.
9:38: Work, work, work. Bitter, bitter, work, work, work.
9:39: Peppy music and sped up scenes of cars; hence, we're moving through time.
9:39: Booooooooooze! Because it's all they have left.
9:40: Wow, get dressed up to tell your friend her husband is cheating on her.
9:40: Commercial and reflection: Sweaty fat guys, bringing the ladies back to cruel reality...thanks H&R Block. Fibrofuckfalgia med, lean cuisine, and the burning feminine itch, the triumvirate of female concern. Wee! A vasectomy commercial--the secret female fantasy.
9:45: Oh damn, it's back on. I need booze
9:46: Blah, blah, bitter, bitter, bitter, we are corporate women!
9:46: Wow, a great message to send to women, have a job and expect your husband to cheat on you. Although, no matter what the writers think, these chicks are frigid, insipid, shells with tits. Tiny tits.
9:47: Hilary Clinton? :D GIRL FEST!
9:48: Wee, Obama concession speech. Seriously, I don't know what it is, but his campaign irks my soul.
9:49: Damn, back on. Now the guy is downing the booze for his wife very politely told him she knows about his affair.
9:51: In all, I've never seen such a revelation be so civil, of course, my experience comes from television talk shows.
9:54: She just really irked the father with the video camera. Coming late to the daughter's ballet recital...so cliche! I AM WORKING WOMAN AND MOTHER!
9:55: More BOOZE!
9:56: Haha, she's emasculated her man so much! Ahahahaha! See, SEE, the moral lesson of this show! Get the career and never have a truly meaningful, equal relationship with a man.
9:57: GIRL FIGHT! That was really...wow. "Everyone calls you the cashmere mafia." Really? Is that the best these women can come up with?
9:58: BOOZE!
9:58: I just snorted. "I don't know what I'd do without you girls." A snort is most appropriate at this time.
9:59: It's over, thank god.
My thoughts on the show:
You know, if I wanted to watch something about women and bitchery, I'd watch The Women. By the way, WTFEVERHAPPENEDTOBABYJANE???? A remake of that glorious movie of bitchery? It had Joan Crawford. Joan Crawford! Remaking The Women is like forming a cover band for REO Speedwagon or Air Supply. When I think bitchery I DO NOT THINK ANNETTE BENNING! There will be a girl dancing scene, I just know it.

It had all the acting of a high school drama club production.

I feel bitter and bloated.

Cashmere Mafia is more like Acrylic/Polyester blend PTA Committee.


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