Jan 03, 2008 21:24
I'm watching the Iowa Caucuses on CNN. Anyone outside of Iowa taking this seriously and determining who he or she could vote for should be slapped. I could rant about how silly the political pep rally, or Caucus is, but I won't.
I'm just annoyed by Anderson Cooper's floating pie chart.
I can't wait for the political pundit douchebaggery in November.
Wow, so Iowans chose a guy who's son killed a dog over...damn, I got nothing.
Obama...a man who's farts are like marshmallows and rays of cheery sunshine. I've determined the reason I don't like him. It's the college students. I hate their wide-eyed optimism of their first election.
I'm ready for Super Tuesday.
ETA: David and Jeff on the Iowa Caucus: "It's a political clusterfuck!"