I found this group online,
The Amateur Transplants. I couldn't stop laughing. I think my neighbors think I'm mental.
For your viewing pleasure, I've found their music on youtube:
Behold, the Dorsal Horn Concerto!
Click to view
Dysdiadochokinesia makes me giggle every time. :D Oh, and the part about surgeons. ;D
A quick lesson in Physical Diagnosis, Eternal Clerking:
Click to view
"Say, 99"...ah, classic!
Look, it's English! Anaesthetists Hymn:
Click to view
I couldn't stop giggling. Really, this one was my favorites until I heard the next one.....
THE DRUG SONG!!!!!! Because this is what Gilbert and Sullivan had in mind, dammit! :D
Click to view
"Or fuck 'em all and get a job in orthopedic surgery!" Aha...ahahahahahaha! *holds side*