*yawn* My life is so uneventful...yay!

Jul 31, 2007 18:50

I'm spending my last day with David. *weep* I won't see him again until October, I think. :(

Magically, he had the day off today! What a surprise! :D So, we spent it in Lakewood/Cleveland :D We went to Flower Child :D That store is getting more crack in it. I lost it at the Barbies and the My Little Pony. I am sitting on a gold mine! :D Oh, and by the way, graycie23, they had a $40 Popples! I bought a Temporama platter, I'm very happy :D

Oh, and I went to the follow up on my echocardiogram. :) I am healthy, yay! :D Well, the two of the four valves are leaky, but it's very minor. :) Wee!

I'm so not looking forward to Des Moines. I get cranky when school starts. I hate school shopping. I hate school supplies. I don't want to study again. *weep* Strangely, I never got anything about my gpa or class rank for last semester. Bah! I know my grades, all A's and two B's, but I just like to know how I'm doing compared to the rest of the class. It's my highlander complex, I know. I have to get over that.

You know, this will be the first year of my life since...holy crap...never that I'm not intimately involved in some club or extracurricular activity? Wow. I got an email about the position of "Media Director" open in the club, which is the stupidest title ever. I passed on it. *gasp!* Well, I'm such a bulldog when it comes to things and, sorry to say, but the vast majority at school don't have much in the way of creativity. Who knew that I'd end up being the artsy, rock n' roll chick in a world of wonderbread and eddie bauer? Maybe there are people with hidden talent walking around. I hope so. One can only take so much of the blue shirt and khaki pants brigade.

You know what I would love to see this year? An emo kid. Seriously. I don't know why, but I think that would be fashionable this year in med school. I think one or two would be enough.

*sigh* Such a lazy day...wee! :D

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