I've gone back and read to myself
my own writings on the subject, initially, because I needed the reminder, and because I've learned more.
First of all, I regularly declare that I would rather be wanted than needed. I already explained that in the post I linked above.
To elaborate on the observation that "need is not personal", (
I have rambled on at length and still probably not explained what I really mean )
Second of all, when it comes to specifically romantic love, I don't believe I need that. I want it tremendously, but love is love, and if I have enough platonic love and companionship in my life, I don't specifically NEED a romantic relationship with a man.
So falling in love is something I am willing to wait for. But I don't wait for delivery. I go out into the world to see what there is to see, just not for the specific purpose of Love-shopping. I pull my lovers from my pool of friends, and I am always shopping for friends. In fact, I should STOP shopping for friends, because I no longer have time to care for my current supply properly! *sigh*
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