
May 20, 2005 15:54

Yeah, yeah.... not blogged in a while. It seems I just never get enough "at home" time anymore. When I am at home, I usually just spend it watching anime, surfing the net, eating, and sleeping. So if I disappear for a week or two without blogging, I'm just preoccupied. If you expect a blog that gets updated daily, then look somewhere else. And if my blog isn't active enough for you, feel free to unfriend me.

Gah.. I'm being a bitch right now. Why? Cause I'm pissed at me and my stupid self. I was trying to start posting more at this Chrno Crusade forum, but it seems I just made an ass of myself and they probably think I'm nothing more than a stupid forum newbie now. >.< To make things worse, I kinda got insulted about my graphic making abilities, which made me feel even more newbish. Why does this bother me? Cause I went through my newbie phase what, about five years ago? *shakes head* It has embarrassed me so badly, I might not go back. If I do go back, I may never post again. That's just how I am. I loath myself for being so fucking stupid.... I could go jump off a bridge right now. I want to scream soooo bad.... if it weren't in the middle of the night, I would. God, I'm getting to the point where I don't want to post at any message boards. I'm either ignored or just usually ignored. Why do I even bother? I mean, it's not like a person really needs online friends... (or real friends for that matter, seeing as how I seem to lack both). That's right, I'm such a fucking loser.

And normally I wouldn't curse like that, but sometimes there just aren't any other words to use that would convey my feelings. >.>

Okay... *takes a DEEP breath*, must calm down. Anyway, lots to talk about. I just went and seen Star Wars Episode 3 tonight, which was absolutely, postiviely, and unbelievably AWESOME!! Though throughout the first half of the movie, I just wanted to spack Anakin ... or better yet, just smack his actor in hopes of knocking a little talent into him. That boy was so lifeless and fake, not only in his dialog, but in his actions. I felt the same way about Episode 2, which is why I thought the movie kinda sucked and have only seen it twice. >.< Hell, the kid that played Anakin in Episode 1 was ten times better than the guy who plays older Anakin. However, once Anakin heads on over to the DARK SIDE *gets chills*, he improves ten-fold. Being evil suits Anakin best!! *_* Other noteworthy things were Yoda monkey climbing a Wookie's arm (I kid you not) and ummm... can't think of anything else. I'll probably going to go seen it again when the crowd dies down a bit. But is really was a good ending (and sort of beginning) to the whole thing.

As I said before, I've been busy watching anime and I really have. About a little over a week ago, I finished Full Moon wo Sagashite and let me tell you, it was wonderful! I can honestly say I had never bawled while watching as anime series, but I did at the end of this. It touched me that much. *_* I also purchased and watched Full Metal Panic, which was a lot of fun. I'm not much of Mecha series, but since this series focuses more on characters, I really enjoyed it. I also got into Peace Maker (Kurogane), which is fast becoming my new obsession. Oh and I finsihed Last Exile, which left me feeing disappointed I'm afraid. Now I'm about to start watching Neon Genesis Evangelion, since I finally broke down and bought the boxset. The majority of the anime community worship it, so I thought I should at least watch it once. >.<

I'm really loving Nighwish at the moment. I bought their "Once" albums as a sort of random buy at Wal-mart and fell in love. I found their "Wishmaster" album at Best Buy and today I found their "Century Child" and "Over the Hills and Far Away" albums at FYE, so now I'm missing like one (I think) of their CDs before I have the whole set. *_* At the moment, I'm listening to their over of "Phantom of the Opera", which rocks my socks! XD *bangs head*

I'm in the process of getting myself a new domain! I've been wanting to start webdesigning again, so I finally went and bought myself one. It's not quite official yet, so I'm not going to post anything more about it, but I'll be sure to you guys know when it's ready! ^^ Oh and a notice I said new domain... you see, I've owned two previous domains, pupuran.com and fly-high.org, both of which are long since dead and forgotten.

*glances over entry* Yes, I think I'm done now. I'll check and reply to comments laters. ~.^
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