This journal is a continuation of
peoplesprincess for
dramadramaduck. Everything there related to DDD (including
the memories) is part of this journal's canon. The previous info post is
Age: 17
Height: 5'3''
Weight: 110 lbs.
Build: Somewhat muscular
Language(s): fluent English and Chinese (spoken and written), somewhat passable German, Latin, Spanish, Hungarian, and Meth (mostly just spoken)
Abilities: Can control fire and lightning, and is prodigy-level good at it-- though she can hold her own without this ability (evidence: "Day of the Black Sun", bitches). She's also an extremely skilled liar. She's also fairly accurate with handguns.
PB: Ziyi Zhang (with one or two of a young-looking Gong Li thrown in)
Shapeshift: Ask permission first!
Bodyswap: Ask permission first!
Maim/murder/death:Ask permission first!
Kissing: OOC permission granted; IC permission... depends on who the character is.
Hugging: OOC permission granted; IC permission... depends on who the character is.
Badtouch: OOC permission granted; IC permission... depends on who the character is.
Threadhopping: Sure, I'm completely fine with it as long as you don't hop into a locked conversation or RL (unless your character would logically stumble upon the scene or you ask permission first).
Fourthwalling: Go for it. She knows it all. Since she lives with Lisa Cuddy in the House universe right now, you can fourth wall her for that, too.
Backdating: I'll continue any old conversation/RL, no matter how long its been since the last comment (in other words, if you dropped a thread two months ago and now want to continue it, go ahead and I'll reply!). The same goes for replying to old entries as long as it doesn't screw with game continuity-- though obviously, I'll backdate any responses. The only exception to this would be if you replied to an
entry from before your character was in the game.
HOW'S MY DRIVING? IC CONTACT This post also serves as a contact/plotting/spam/whatever post, so feel free to use it whenever you want.