This will offend almost everyone I know.

Aug 04, 2008 12:47

Today I was reading NORML's website and came across an interview with Scott Burns, who, though I am not sure, I believe works for the DEA or something of that sort.

Granted, in the interview alot of what Burn's said was to some degree propaganda and outlandish remarks, however I would argue that he made some valid points.
The main argument I feel like NORML/and pro-marijuana person/group makes is that the illegalization of marijuana breeds criminals, increases crime and essentially propagates violence etc.  I agree with this observation. However, I do not feel like its all that relevant or confirmed. There has been no studies (that I am aware of and have not been conducted by a bias source)  that indicate the legalization of marijuana would diminish crime.
Here is my opinion:
 If marijuana was to be made legal automatically goverment inteference would begin. Pot would be regulated with much lesser degrees of THC, with a pot tax, etc. I also heard that the marijuana in say, Amsterdam is much more potent then medicinal marijuana here in the states. My point being, it would be pot that apart from old hippies, no one would really want.
The illegal selling of marijuana would continue.
Consequently I feel the man-power in searching out illegal production and selling of marijuana would increase dramatically because now its a problem of Commerce.
Since the Federal government gets their power from the commerce clause marijuana distribution would become a concern and problem of the Federal goverment, not left up to the states. 
Basically the point I am making is, if people like NORML think the goverment already has to much say and interference with marijuana now, its only going to get worse (and argueabley, backed by the consitution). Thats not what they REALLY want. What they want  is to be able to smoke pot without getting arrested. I agree, if thats what you want to do, you should be able to do it. But its not going to happen this way. Its just impossible.

Eye: … Is there enough research to indicate that [marijuana] has no medical efficacy? I can bring you chemotherapy patients who would tell you that it is the only thing that suppresses their nausea and gives them an appetite. So is there nothing to what they’re saying and feeling?
Burns: … Anybody can say something makes me feel better anecdotally. And I hear that a lot. “Marijuana is the only thing that makes me feel good.” I say you should try crack, because from what I hear, crack cocaine will make you feel really good as well.

I realize his comment is completey ridiculous at face value. But I believe once you look closer at the point he is trying to make, it holds true (and I hate saying that). That is, it makes you feel good because its a drug, crack likewise is drug and will make you feel good, that doesn't mean its good FOR you. Some would argue well alcohol is a drug why is that legal, my answer to you is I HAVE NO FLIPPIN idea. However, government has no much control over alcohol distrubution it is absurd. For example, certain alcohol only available to buy during certain hours, at certain ages and only at certain places. There was a time, a long time ago, before any ATF existed where alcohol (remember moonshine) was there without any goverment interference. But now its so heavily regulated its rediculous.

Finally, the biggest point I want to make is peoples arguement against marijuana being a gateway drug.
I firmly believe that it is, people just don't go out and smoke crack/snort coke as their first experience with drugs. It just doesn't happen. I will guarantee you 95% of peoples first experience with drugs is marijuana. Furthermore, in the interview, Eyes argues that there are productive people in society who smoke pot. And there are. I do not disagree, but if you are a parent and you are smoking pot openly infront of your children, that is how they are raised then  I firmly believe thats breeds isolent children who have a complete disregard for their parents authority and respectablity. In turn that has the possibility of breeding insolent adults with a disregard of authority and complete lack of responsibilites.
I don't think.

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