OK, my last proper update, where I actually wrote about things I've done, was May the 20th, I do believe. Stark contrast to last year, where every day was described in detail...
Very rarely I feel the urge to write on here now, and this update is long due.
Much has happened since May 20th, and I'm not going to re-count even half of it, but I had fun. Exams were prepared for, worried about, taken, worried about, and pushed to the back of my mind. Various social events have taken place, people have had birthday do's, lots of fun.
More recently, eg. last month, saw my last exam (July 1st, Politics Unit 6, went better than expected), and then drinking mucho wine/champers at Lou's house, sauntering home for sausages and beans for tea, sauntering back out to town for more drink. Although I predicted I'd be hammered off my face, I was merely confused and tipsy by the end. Still, woo.
The next week saw the long-awaited Amsterdam trip. Far toooo much to report there, so here's an erratic and selective run-down on key moments, in no real order:
- The brilliant 'say-this-instead-of-that-or-lose-underwear' (for want of official title) game, that sadly faded out after a day or so. We would have all been underwear-less after a few days anyway...
- The excellent music/metal tee store...alas they refused to sell me Nightwish posters. And I was kept on a time limit- "Sim, you've got 20 minutes and then we're getting breakfast"...
- Downtown dorm room: Dodgy locks, dodgy shoe boxes, trying to work out how not to set off the anti-weed fire alarms.
- Hilarious Euro symbols.
- Cushioned areas.
- "We've taken about an hour to do a 10 minute journey" "The map is wrong. Blatantly."
- "He's a little boy tonight." (Reference to both a pianist in the Vondelpark and the reaction of some Portugese footballer to losing the Euro '04 final)
- Space cake. It had little effect, but it tasted OK.
- Pedalling down the canals, and seeing how long we could go without crashing into a stationary object.
- Anne Frank house.
- Cheap beer at the Hostels.
- Bearded man behind bar, armed with scales and a menu.
- Obscene dog/poo signs.
- "No playing Cowboys and Indians on the beach"
- The sea! And body boarding for first time in yonks.
- The Hippy! Snoring. Waking up a whole dorm.
- Rupert! lmao.
- Sand in beds.
- The hunt for a club. Finding club. Being only people in club for a while. 'It's Raining Men'. A good club.
- 'le Bob'..."Dude. I think we're in a gay club".
- Pizzeria dinners.
- Wandering Nordvick lost, hungry and clutching a carton of bizarre strawberry-scented yoghurt goo.
- Beach walks.
- Sand Isengard! And it flooded! Or it would of, in therory at least, only we never finished it.
- Gaffa taped bag.
- Hunt for stripey socks.
- Getting drenched in the Red Light district.
- Chess, pool and good music in the Beach Hostel.
- Beer bong contest. Resulting vomit.
- The Quiz! The Laddies rule forever!
- Friendly Hostel staff and their huge spliffs.
- Toilet museum.
bleh...can't be bothered to pinpoint more now...
And...that's also all I feel like writing. It is like, 3am, after all.