Jun 04, 2004 18:43
Not been quizzed for a little while, so let's go!
last cigarette: hmmm...it may well have been last May, sitting in my back garden at a minor gathering I held, and Steve convinced a group of us to 'toke' (spelling?) with him.
last kiss: Monday night. But proper kissing...start of May.
last good cry: I cried a little when watching ROTK on Wed. But really can't remember last 'good' cry. Actually, I can. But not gonna say if only because I can't explain it.
last library book checked out: 'Medieval Realms'. For Chaucer research. About four months ago. So...I should consider returning it really.
last movie seen: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. Yesterday.
last book read: 'Queen Of The Damned' by Anne Rice. Fucking rocked.
last cuss word uttered: 'Fucking', because I mutter as I type.
last beverage drank: A cuppa. Go me.
last food consumed: Pringles (salt and vinegar!)
last phone call: My mother, telling me I have until 9pm to get the house ready for my parental return. They are royalty.
last tv show watched: X-Men. lol :)
last shoes worn: Me casual trainer/shoe hybrid things.
last cd played: Rhapsody -'Legendary Tales'.
last item bought: A can of cherry 7UP at Quasar.
last downloaded: It's been like a year...I think it might have been Breed 77- 'La Ultima Hora'.
last annoyance: My revision notes blowing all over the garden after I left them on garden table (I was revising outside ya see.)
last disappointment: That my Chaucer book lacked the strength of weight to hold down the liberty-loving revision notes.
last soda drank: Never had soda.
last thing handwritten: A summary of Chaucer's 'the prioress'.
last word spoken: liberty. I was spelling it to me :)
last sleep: This morning.
last im: Sam L.
last weird encounter: Wed night. I left my house for a wander and some odd man on a bike gave me a weirdo lingering stare.
last ice cream eaten: Tues, had (posh) vanilla ice cream. Only posh because the resteraunt was.
last amused: At the appearance of my cat's face at the study window.
trippin on drugs? Nope.
last time hugged: Tues. Es I think.
last time scolded: Noooo idea.
last chair sat in: This plush yet worn out leather one.
last lipstick used: I don't think I've ever worn lipstick. Must try.
last shirt worn: Plain white I'm-not-going-out-so-I-don't-care affair.
last time dancing: The prom possibly.
last poster looked at: Me Whitby Wyrm one, in le bedroom, which I studied as I lay in bed this morning.
last show attended: Not counting the delights of Doubting Thomas, twas Dream Theater, back in Jan, in Londonium.
last webpage visited: livejournal.
1 MINUTE AGO: It involved this.
1 HOUR AGO: I think I was studying the works of Mr. Chaucer.
1 DAY AGO: In le cinema I reckon, or in Maccy Ds.
1 WEEK AGO: Preparing to go out for father's birthday meal.
1 YEAR AGO: I think...at Phil M's house, seem to remember a gathering of some sort...
current clothes: Jeans and the aforementioned white tee. And 'sand' socks.
current mood: Distracted. By this.
current music: Rhapsody.
current taste: The remmants of the Pringles.
current hair: Out of bed. So non-geled.
current annoyance: My back getting very hot.
current smell: The study/study chair.
current thing I should be doing: Chaucer revision/tidying le house.
current desktop picture: Dream Theater album cover montage.
current refreshment: none.
current worry: Exams...mainly.
1. What do you most like about your body? Eyes. Eyes are good because they are always pretty and expressive.
2. And least? Meh.
3. How many fillings do you have?: none.
4. Do you think you're good looking?: I think I could be a lot worse. But no, not really.
5. Do other people tell you that you're good looking? On occasion.