Jan 14, 2008 09:59
Well, I got a new settlement number already. Last week it was 10,000 which won't even cover the hospital bills. Now it's up to 15,000 which will cover most of the doctor bills, but what about my inability to work & pain & suffering? I REALLY hope it goes up to like 20,000 next week. I'll be so ecstatic if it does!!! Hell, I was ecstatic to hear the offer of 15,000!
Sucks that I won't be seeing more than 4,600. That'll allow me to make payments to those damned people at the hospital & clinic. Exactly how does it cost THAT much for an emergency surgery??? Don't try to tell me it wasn't either, because it was. It was like the day after my ER visit that the orthopedist said "Okay, let's put a plate & a couple of screws in there...right now." I cried in the exam room because they didn't tell me I needed surgery at all, (as a matter of fact, they told me that I wouldn't need surgery) and it was so sudden, I mean there was no time to prepare myself mentally. In pre-op they told me that I did need the surgery or my leg wouldn't heal right, then they turned around & said "You don't have to go through with this if you don't want to." WTF man???? Why tell me I NEED the surgery then tell me I don't have to have it??? It just makes no sense at all to me. Wow, I deviated from the subject quickly enough. Moving right along, wtf man? Those bastards are CHEAP!!! Where do they get off making an initial offer of 10,000??? Cheap bastards...*grumble grumble grumble*